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Right to Get S/W I Use vs Right to Use S/W I Get · Monday November 06, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

Given a recent spirited appeal by Dave Crossland on my Private vs Public entry I’m inspired to review the situation as I see it.

The dispute between those seeing no need for anything beyond GPLv2’s assurance of source code visibility, and those who see that GPLv3 is needed to defend against curtailment of liberties by patents and the DMCA (DRM) is so clear cut, I see it as simply a painful parting of ways. A flash in the pan in the big scheme of things.

A less publicised, but probably far longer lived issue is the disagreement between libertarians and gift economists.

Those espousing freedom believe that if you get software, you and anyone you give it to should be free to use and do with it what you want.

Those espousing a gift economy believe that the moment you enjoy the use of software you should automatically get a free copy of it – it should be given to you as a gift – and if you make changes that others use, that they must be given these changes free of charge.

These are clearly distinct positions and yet because the freedom inherent within the GPL facilitates this latter gift economy perspective, the gift economists have assumed that the GPL is all about obliging reciprocation (exchange of labour for labour), and consequently denying the coder the freedom to exchange the labour of their software modifications for money in a free market, and at that public market, to demonstrate the value of those modifications via remote interaction.

I’m pretty sure there is a reductio ad absurdum argument against the invasion of privacy required to enforce reciprocation, but I’ve not finished formulating one yet. I suspect others have had a stab at it. Please let me know (URLs of) any you’ve come across.

The first step is probably to understand why the GPLv2 never attempted to prohibit exploitation of private modifications. This was not an oversight or due to legal difficulty in obliging their automatic publication, but because it would actually be unethical, illiberal, and nothing to do with being an impracticality.

Do you have a problem with people exploiting their private modifications and not publishing them?


More importantly, if you do have a problem, why do you think it’s an issue of freedom rather than reciprocation? Or perhaps you feel that the GPLv3 should not assure the public’s freedom, but should oblige reciprocation between developers?

We certainly need two licenses, one to liberate the public from all social contracts, and one to establish a socially contracted gift economy.

You can’t shoehorn them both together.

dave crossland said 6660 days ago :

“Do you have a problem with people exploiting their private modifications and not publishing them?”

No, certainly not.

Let me try and break down the distinction I’m trying to make here, so its very clear:

“Publish” is the key word here. To publish something is to make it public.

In 1992, when GPLv2 was written, that meant distributing the binaries of that software so that the public could use the software sat in their own building at their own computers.

In 2006, when the GPLv3 is being drafted, more and more that means conveying the use of that software through a network, so that the public can use that software sat in their own building at their own computers.

Both are uses of the software by the public. Public use.

That is to say:

“It would be wrong to require publication of modified versions that are used privately, but inviting the public to use a server is not private use.”

– http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Licensing_and_Law/gplv3-plans.html

I hope that makes what I am saying clearer.

So there is no reductio ad absurdum argument against the invasion of privacy to be had, because no one is required to publish their private modifications. But if they do chose to publish them to the public, then they need to respect the public.

Turning to your above comments, which don’t appear to deal with this:

You appear to be confusing freedom with price. The gift economy is an epiphenomenon of the Internet’s near-zero marginal costs. That is, with the Internet (and especially post-Bittorrent) once one person has a copy of something, everyone in the world can have a copy without anyone barely spending any money at all.

Because Free Software grants freedom to redistribute for a fee or as a gift, and most people like to share, because thats the basis of a friendly world, then Free Software can almost always be copied at the marginal cost – ie, zero.

This is just being honest about the Internet, and has nothing to do with Free Software at all.

While randroid libertarians may suggest that you and anyone you convey software to should be free to use and do with it what you want. But this is patently false, because doing whatever-you-want must have restrictions to protect society at large.

I remember in Bowling for Columbine, the brother of the Oklahoma bomber or whatever, trying to argue for loose private gun laws, and then getting stumped by the suggestion of loose private nuke laws. This is because he hasn’t got this foundational concept of ethics.

Free Software is not libertarian, and nor is it about gift economies.

Crosbie Fitch said 6660 days ago :

There is a difference between transferring the software (source code or derivatives) to recipients, and transferring input and output between users and executables.

These are fundamentally distinct transmissions.

The fact that GPLv3 is having to use the term ‘conveying’ instead of ‘distribute’ is not to include remote interaction in the definition, but to avoid variation in international meanings of ‘distribute’.

Mere use does not entitle ownership. The fact that a user is not entitled to ownership of the software they’re using (simply by dint of use) is not a restraint of their liberty. If it was, we enter the communist world wherein ‘private property is theft’.

And to suggest that people are only permitted to use their private property in the privacy of their own homes, and are therefore not permitted to allow its use by the general public unless they surrender it to the public free of charge, is a restraint of the liberty of the individual and a denial of their right to realise the value of their labour.

The point of the GPL is to ensure that when a work of software is delivered to someone, that the recipient is unencumbered, except that they may not encumber anyone else to which they deliver a copy of their work to.

Exploiting work (using or permitting others to use or remotely interact with) does not constitute delivery of that work.

An aspiration to realise a gift economy in software is not necessarily invalid, but it is a distinct ideal from that to liberate the software developing public from the restraints of copyright, patents, and the DMCA/EUCD.

So, we still have:

Gift Economists – Those who believe the mission of the GPL is to ensure that all GPL software held or used by the public is available to the public free of charge.

Libertarians – Those who believe the mission of the GPL is to ensure that all purchasers of copies of GPL software are completely unencumbered (by obfuscation, DRM, or law) in what they may do with that software (except that they must preserve this liberty to those to which they sell copies of their work).

The difference is, libertarians are happy for people to give copies of their work away, whereas gift economists don’t like people exploiting their software unless they give it away for nothing.

A compulsory gift is not a gift. Let developers decide whether to sell their modifications or give them away for nothing. Until that point, the developer is free to exploit them whether behind closed doors or in an open marketplace.

dave crossland said 6660 days ago :

I think you’ve confused freedom with price. :) I’ll reply in depth later :)

drew Roberts said 6642 days ago :

“Do you have a problem with people exploiting their private modifications and not publishing them?


No, not their private ones. The ones they allow the public access to is another matter.

So, if you modify my (gpl) graphics program to make it work better for you, then use that better program to make digital art which you then sell. Bully for you!

But, if you take that same modified program and instead, sell vnc accounts on a server and charge others to use that modified program, yes, I have an issue with you if you don’t release the mods under the gpl. I am happy that GPLv3 is trying to fix that glitch in v2.

I am definately not a gift economy person.

I choose to put my code under the GPL because I want it to be Free. I am happy for people to make as much money on it as they can so long as they do it within the context of it being Free, when they try to subvert that ‘Freeness’ in order to ‘monetize’ things is where I have the problem.

BTW, I don’t really have a graphics program. I do have some GPL stuff though:


and some CC BY-SA stuff:


all the best,


(+1)/10 to send email

Crosbie Fitch said 6630 days ago :

Drew, I’ve had a go at creating a case study that demonstrates why the ‘ASP loophole’ is simply a collision of the public’s liberty with individual privacy – and consequently an ethical restriction, and not a loophole at all.
See my recent article: Gladys, Privacy, Liberty and the GPL

Copyright is not Taxation · Friday November 03, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

Lawrence Lessig appears to agree with the classification of copyright as a tax.

Copyright is not a tax, but a suspension of the public’s liberty – affording the copyright beneficiary a commercially advantageous monopoly – provided as an incentive to publish.

Extending copyright cannot retrospectively increase the incentive. It is also unlikely to affect the incentive for new publications.

The value of a published work can be equated to the royalty it obtains its author in its lifetime (minus tax). This is because one assumes the author would be happy to receive the total royalty to place the work immediately into the public domain. Perhaps a bit more to finance promotional costs otherwise borne by publishers.

Enabling an author to invite their readers to offer this royalty upfront (or a significant proportion of it) in exchange for publishing their work copyleft, is the reasoning behind sites such as The Digital Art Auction and QuidMusic.

The alternative approach is to have a central committee appraise the value of each book, count the number of copies in circulation, and reward the author accordingly – sourcing the funds from taxation.

So let’s make sure we don’t get confused by tax and liberty eh?

  1. Copyright is an imposition on liberty in exchange for incentivised publication.
  2. Taxation is a compulsory commission on prosperity in exchange for security.
  3. A free market enables artists and audiences to exchange art and money.

Let’s be very careful before we start including art in the list of things citizens should be taxed for. And let’s not kid anyone that we’re already being taxed for art, in order to sanction taxation of a new form.

drew Roberts said 6642 days ago :

“Enabling an author to invite their readers to offer this royalty upfront (or a significant proportion of it) in exchange for publishing their work copyleft, is the reasoning behind sites such as The Digital Art Auction and QuidMusic.”

This is one avenue I am also experimenting with at this time. I was excited to see the two sites mentioned.

I went to them but could find no mention of copyleft or the Freeing of the works for sale at all. As a matter of fact, some seem to hint against the thought.

all the best,


Crosbie Fitch said 6642 days ago :

I’m working on an updated version of QuidMusic at the moment.

I didn’t want to get too heavy with copyleft in my blurb for QuidMusic.

QuidMusic2 will be commission free for copyleft work, and 10% for non-copyleft works.

Bear in mind that QuidMusic doesn’t actually do the publishing, it just facilitiates the collecting of revenue.

Crosbie Fitch said 6642 days ago :

I should add that I’m also working on the ContingencyMarket which will also be commission free and free to use in creating your own ‘collective funding’ websites.

drew Roberts said 6641 days ago :

Cool, I know it is a tough nut to crack in any case. I doubt I will be able to participate from my country, but I can hope.

I will keep checking.

all the best,

some guys messing about with my stuff. plus a buddy’ song that he recorded (I recorded) over at my house.

Good Copyright, Bad Copyright · Friday October 06, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

Rather than the stringent protections copyright confers being applied to works by default, we are seeing many artists having to undo these defaults by specifying more liberal licenses with their works at the time of publication in order to facilitate promotional proliferation of their works when self-published.

We are also seeing the harsh penalties permitted by copyright being more widely used by publishers against unwitting citizens. There must be far clearer distinction of protected vs unprotected works made for the benefit of citizens if they are to be so severely punished.

Ideally, we need to restore copyright to its original purpose as a legal device enabling redress between commercial publishers, in order that they secure exclusive publication rights and enjoy this financial incentive to publish. To achieve this we need to allow the market to decide between freely redistributable works and stringently controlled works.

I therefore propose a reclassification of digitally representable works:

  1. Private Intellectual Property: Unpublished works (possibly privately circulated).
  2. Copyright reserved: Normally published works, automatically enjoying the option for protections conferred by subsequent copyright registration.
  3. Copyright registered: Unpublished or copyrighted works registered by a publisher on behalf of the copyright owner for extended copyright protection.

Private IP enjoys the same protection as registered copyrighted works, but registration is optional, e.g. may be registered in advance of publication if the work is expected to be published.

In all works the author is granted inalienable moral rights (accurate attribution in copies or derivatives where attribution is given, either explicitly or implicitly), the right to choose whether or not to publish, and the right to choose whether to register their work, or permit derivatives to be registered.

Moral rights are not transferable and can only be possessed by human beings (individually or collectively). Being a matter of inalienable truth, moral rights concerning attribution accuracy persist forever. However, the privacy rights of an author (to veto publication of unpublished works and to remain anonymous with respect to published works) terminate upon the author’s death (though may still be subject to others’ privacy rights).

The key change to copyright is that public performance, reproduction, and derivation of unregistered copyrighted works are now permitted as long as moral rights are observed (attribution is accurate where given and that derivative works are either clearly distinct, obviously the work of the deriving artist, or true to the original). This means transformative copies may be made without altering the sense of the work, e.g. change in resolution/fidelity rather than Bowdlerisation (unless clearly identified as a Bowdlerised derivative by another artist at all times). What would have been permitted under fair use remains permitted, e.g. excerpts for review.

Unlike unregistered copyright works, registered works are considered wholly within the control of the publisher (irrespective of how practicable this is post-publication). Registration may also be transferred to another publisher. All moral rights remain preserved/unaffected, and operations on (including possession or performance of) the work require specific authorisation/approval/license from the publisher. This must either be:

  1. attached to physical media containing the work,
  2. securely encoded within the work,
  3. possessed separately by the person or company in possession of a copy of the work (or conveying/transmitting/transforming it, etc.), OR
  4. published by the registration authority (a public license).

It must be clear to a purchaser of a retailed license that use of the work is strictly limited and is subject to the strong protections enjoyed by registered copyright.

Because a copyrighted work may only become registered with the approval of the author (always the copyright holder if published), the author effectively retains the same abilities as they had under the old copyright regime, i.e. to elect to completely restrict their work, enjoy strong protection of these restrictions by the state, and license authorisation for various restricted operations as they choose.

In order to sanction such strong protection by the state, the work must be commercially valuable and this can effectively be demonstrated by an initial registration fee of £1,000 with renewal of £100 each decade thereafter. Copies of the works must be lodged with the registration authority at the time of registration (becoming public domain upon expiry). These works can be inspected/viewed by the public on appropriate premises in person subject to an administration fee – naturally, no copies are permitted. However, hashes (MD5) of the registered works in each released format can be supplied on request at no charge (in order to confirm possession of a particular registered work).

Once permission to register a work has been obtained from the respective living authors, it may be protected up to 100 years after the last author has died, subject to payment of registration and renewal fees (which lapse after 1 year of non-payment). If such permission cannot be obtained from the authors (they are dead and made no explicit instructions in their will) then their published works can never be registered. However, this does not preclude a distinct ancestral or derivative work being so registered (if the respective authors remain living). In other words, whilst an author is alive they control whether their work may be registered, and have veto over
others’ derivatives of their works being registered. Upon death their work defaults to becoming permanently unregisterable, and they lose veto over derivatives being registerable.

Once a work is registered it does not apply any control over copies of that work or derivatives already in public circulation from previous publication, except as far as vetoing derivatives becoming registered (unless permission has already been granted). Consequently, it is advisable to register an additional, digitally distinct transformation of the work if already published. Otherwise it may be difficult to establish the provenance of an unauthorised copy.

This can be compared to a work initially published under a copyleft license (such as CC-SA) and subsequently republished under full copyright.

Private IP must be clearly identified [PIP](for the benefit of those to which it may be privately circulated). Similarly for registered copyright, e.g. (Creg).

Copyrighted works may be optionally identified as usual with©, however may also be signified as permanently barred from potential future registration, by marking them appropriately, e.g. (U) for copyright unreserved (copyrighted, but unregisterable). Effective dedication of a work to the public domain in this way can be confirmed at no cost by supplying it to the registration authority (credentials are required, but no penalty is applied if dedication is subsequently determined to be invalid, e.g. insufficiently distinct derivative).

If it can subsequently be shown that a registered work has not obtained permission from all necessary authors then the registration is invalid, and costs may be awarded to the authors whose permission was not sought. It is an offence to register a work knowing one has insufficient permission, or failing to demonstrate due diligence.

The EUCD is revised to apply only to registered copyright.

The effect of the above changes would be to embrace self-publishing and the benefits of greatly facilitated cultural exchange, yet to preserve the ability of large, commercial publishers to retain their traditional business models (for as long as their stringent control requirements remain acceptable to the market).

As ever, an author retains freedom of choice:

  1. To retain their works unpublished at no cost (with strong IP protection)
  2. To self-publish, with all moral rights, at no cost – retaining the option to register.
  3. Immediately or subsequently register their works for strong protection for a fee by appointing a publisher to do this on their behalf.
  4. To self-publish and publicly waive their option to register – (equivalent public domain dedication)

The important thing is that the default protections should represent those able and likely to be self-policed by the populace in its own interests. Any more severe protections especially those with draconian infringement penalties should at least be explicitly requested by the author via their prospective publisher, and clearly brought to the attention of any purchaser/user.

It is considered that there is no longer any need to incentivise self-publication by applying draconian restrictions by default, and that where such incentivisation through restriction is required for works of high commercial value this option remains available, but only for works whose publishers are willing to assert their high commercial value in the form of a registration fee.

This proposal should apply to new works. Existing works may be freely registered (commencing at date of original publication) if within 10 years of this proposal being enacted, with a default public license equivalent to the original copyright restrictions, and if this is done within their original copyright term. Registration and renewal fees, however, remain payable if it is desired to extend protection beyond the original copyright term, or to enjoy the restrictions not originally granted by copyright – for which permission by respective living authors must be demonstrated.

drew Roberts said 6642 days ago :

I have an alternate proposal.

1. All ‘non’marked’ works get an automatic copyleft, not an automatic copyright.

2. Copyleft works can be registered for free, copyright works incurr a registration fee.

3. There is a yearly copyright tax imposed on copyright works, copyleft works are exempt.

4. The copyright tax is based on a percentage of the copyright holder declared value of the work.

5. The copyright holder will be encouraged to declare an honest value by having to sell the copyright to to work at the declared value or 5 percent above that value to any and all comers. At the value if the purchaser will put the work under a copyleft, 5 percent above if the purchaser will keep the work copyright.

6. Copyright status lasts for 10 years, then the works convert to copyleft for another ten then they go into the public domain.

7. Orignally copyleft works remain copyleft for the life of the author (and perhaps plys whatever.)

all the best,


(+1)/10 to send email.

Crosbie Fitch said 6642 days ago :

Yup, sounds good.

My preferred solution is to abolish copyright.

My solution above is one designed specifically to appeal to those who like copyright, but yet makes copyleft easier.

I think your proposal is more appealing than mine, but I don’t think it would stand as much chance of adoption – I hope I’m wrong.

drew Roberts said 6641 days ago :

Well, I could live with abolishing copyright, but I would probably be happy to compromise and have copylefts and short copyrights.

I do find it interesting that ‘big time’ free market people seem to like copyrights and patents, both of which are government granted monopolies and prevent a free market from operating in any goods protected by either.

all the best,


(+1)/10 to send email…

anand srivastava said 6640 days ago :

I think one more feature can be added. Just make it compulsory to publish the registered work every 2 years. If a work is not published for 2 years consecutively, then it should be taken as an admission that the commerical life of the work is finished and then it can enter Public Domain immediately.

Mercury Merlin said 6633 days ago :

I have been thinking along similar lines, wondering what copyright might look like if it wasn’t automatically restrictive by default, but more similar to Attribution and Share-Alike licenses by default, with restrictions being the exception rather than the rule.

I wasn’t particularly concerned about chances of adoption, more about where the ideas took me: present incarnation is on my user page over at freedomdefined:
A modest proposal
though I have not yet completed the commentary explaining the rationale behind my proposals.

Freedomdefined itself is a site you will doubtless also be interested in if you are not already a contributor, and seems to be trying to do something that Lessig, for example has not attempted for Free content in the way that Stallman has done for software.

Crosbie Fitch said 6630 days ago :

Thanks Mercury.
Good to compare notes.
I think things on freedomdefined need to go back a little bit more to fundamental principles.

Stallman’s 4 freedoms, are aspirations that are satisfied by more fundamental principles, i.e. human rights to privacy, truth, and liberty.
Similarly, the attribution and share-alike clauses of CC aren’t particularly thought out either.

Obliging attribution is a burden. Requiring that any attribution that is given should be true is not a burden.

Share-alike is not a ‘right’, but a conditional license designed to restore the public’s liberty to the published work and its derivatives.

Please note that my copyright ‘reform’ article above is a legislative trojan horse, and not at all what I’d consider an ideal regime.

I think it’s best to think from a basis of copyright abolition, and then reconstruct legislation from a human rights perspective, i.e. life, privacy, truth, and liberty.

drew Roberts said 6617 days ago :

“Obliging attribution is a burden.”

I find it sad that, from what I can remember, BY used to be optional for CC but is now built in.

I have suggested that BY be optional as well as NO-BY being optional on SA works.

I have also mentioned the posibilities of a promise of copyleft only type license but that got nowhere either.

all the best,


Crosbie Fitch said 6617 days ago :

I think there’s an opportunity to create a good copyleft license. Perhaps a Grand Unified License that covers everything – software too.

What is Publication? · Saturday September 30, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

Publication is the deliberate and voluntary delivery of one’s unpublished art to one or more members of the public.

Who is a member of the public?

A person unilaterally entreated without consideration of their identity.

dave crossland said 6660 days ago :

I comment on this just to juxtapose it with my comment a moment ago :-)

Crosbie Fitch said 6660 days ago :


Use is not delivery.

Letting kids interact with a toy robot running a GPL OS in a toy shop is not delivering the robot or its software.

Purhasing the robot is the point at which it, and the software within it, is delivered to you – whereupon you consequently become a software licensee.

I can tell I need a What constitutes delivery? question.


Using the GPL is not a loss of rights, but a restoration · Thursday August 31, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

Anyone who uses the GPL does not give any of their rights away.

Rights are inalienable.

If you can remember your history lessons, the state in its arrogant wisdom decided to trample upon people’s rights by instituting copyright – this suspended the public’s right to copy or derive new works from published works for a ‘limited time’, in order to incentivise publication.

There are a variety of approaches you, as a software developer, can take to make amends, but all you can do is to license back more or less of the public’s rights to the work you publish. You cannot actually give away any of the rights you already have, and you certainly can’t wrest back, simply by fiat, your rights that have been suspended by the state.

Your options:

  1. If you don’t publish, if you don’t let anyone see your work, that’s you enjoying your right to privacy. However, if you are making copies or derivatives from someone else’s published work without their permission, copyright still prohibits this. In this way, copyright even impacts your right to privacy.
  2. If you fully utilise copyright when you publish your work (you don’t provide any license), you’re exploiting copyright’s suspension of the public’s right to copy or modify your work.
  3. If you provide a typical proprietary license, you may be graciously permitting a backup copy or consequent use of a software patent, say, but you’re generally still exploiting copyright’s suspension of others’ rights to the software you’ve published.
  4. If you utilise the BSD license, you’re only restoring each licensee’s rights and not preserving the restoration of those rights for the public. You’re instead giving each licensee the choice as to whether to do this, how to license their copies or derivatives, i.e. giving them permission to keep suspended the public’s rights to make copies or derivatives.
  5. If you dedicate the software to the public domain, it’s not much different from the BSD, except that you make every member of the public a licensee in one fell swoop, and you’re also surrendering your status as copyright owner.
  6. If you utilise the GPL, you’re not only restoring licensees’ rights to your software that were removed by copyright or any software patents you may have, but are also ensuring they remain preserved to licensees of any copies or derivatives. When publishing GPL software, you effectively restore the public’s rights to it.

So, let’s get this straight. No-one gives any of their rights away. You simply decide how many of the public’s rights to your published work should remain suspended by copyright.

The GPL restores and preserves ALL of the public’s rights to your published work. When you utilise the GPL you are truly publishing your work in the original unadulterated sense of the word.

Until copyright and software patents are abolished, the GPL is thus the most ethical license to use when publishing your software. This is because it restores the public’s rights, and keeps it that way.

So, the GPL is not so much about your rights, but about everyone else’s. Nevertheless, you do restore to yourself your rights (as a member of the public) to everyone else’s published derivatives of your work. So, in a way, one can say that the GPL also restores rights back to you that are otherwise removed by default (under copyright).

This is why it’s ‘free’ – it restores the public’s freedom (and yours as a member of the public).

The GPL is an ethical license: “I believe the public should be free to enjoy my work, and should remain free – I PERMIT this by providing this license”

Note that while I think the GPL is useful for software, I do not think licensing is the best strategy for freeing culture in general. For that I recommend simply stating that one’s published work is free culture.

Scott C. said 6727 days ago :

No comment really about the GPL—I agree that it is a good and ethical license. Whenever I see those letters used in connection with software it makes me glad. (Like last night, when looking for an FTP client for the Mac, I found Cyberduck which appears to work great. I immediately felt at home seeing they were using the GPL and it certainly affected my decision to try—or in this case recommend someone else try—that particular program out of many that were listed at download.com. It still needs to prove itself as good software, of course, but I’m not the one using and evaluating it.)

In reference to your last note, I’ve thought about this for my own blog. I like the Creative Commons Share-Alike license and also admire the simplicity of your free culture statement. But I’m not sure what your statement means; if it tells us what it means to offer something as free culture. I think I know from reading your comments here and elsewhere what you mean, but your intention is ambiguous to me based only on the statement. I don’t know if it’s necessary to get hung up on a long legal license, but should we worry about potential misinterpretations of what it means to declare something is a work of free culture? Does it provide a loophole for those who don’t respect all artists equally? I suspect your answer might refer back to your Copyright Cannot be Coerced into Kindness post, that lawsuits wouldn’t be as effective as peer pressure anyways.

It gives me something to think about. Are we living in a world where we have to spell it out in legalese? One thing I like about the CC license is that when I visit sites with the CC logo, it is easy for me to check the url and quickly see what is being offered. (Unfortunately very often what is being offered are the Non-Commercial or No Derivatives clauses.) But maybe this is just a personal need to be rigidly analytical about it or a desire to pigeonhole.

Of course we’d like to live in a society where it’s just understood that anything published is free to be reused. That (again, published or expressed) ideas can’t be owned and controlled. Will we see this in our lifetime, or is it going to take a hundred years and a revolution or two?

Crosbie Fitch said 6727 days ago :

Thanks for picking me up on the ‘this is free culture’ issue. Perhaps one could build up an implicit association between an artist’s declaration and the CC-SA – for the benefit of lawyers or those worried by lawyers?

It’s time that artists and their audiences started rejecting the idea that they need to be worried about litigation when enjoying, exploring or evolving human culture.

As long as you don’t violate the truth or someone’s privacy, you should be free to enjoy culture. Perhaps if we start refusing to recognise anything except free culture, then non-free culture will wither on the vine? :-)

The thing is, people are now the publishers and people don’t need to prosecute traditional publishers, they simply reject any attempt by anyone to remove the public’s rights to free culture.

Scott C. said 6727 days ago :

Let’s hope non-freedom whithers away. ‘The Promise of a Post-Copyright World’ (which you linked to recently) describes how the stream of freely available material will get bigger and the proprietary stream won’t survive forever. There’s just this intermediate period where things are in question, and timelines are uncertain. People need to be aware of the history of copyright to start seeing why it should be an historical artifact and that we can do things better now. The “people are now publishers.” We may still need printers, but they don’t need the power that publishers formerly enjoyed. Now what we need are new filtering mechanisms to find the good stuff. Publishers used to help with this service, but again it doesn’t justify their power. And it wasn’t a great way to filter. It seems that post-publication filtering has to be better than pre-publication. Everyone should get to have their say. It’s up to the filters to help people find what is worth listening to.

drew Roberts said 6642 days ago :

To Scott C.

I am a GPL and CC BY-SA boy myself.

“but should we worry about potential misinterpretations of what it means to declare something is a work of free culture?”

Unfortunately, I think we do need to worry about this. And CC’s range of rights lumped under one common umbrella is not helping.

I have called repeatedly (it seems to me at least) for CC to adopt a Free CC logo etc. to allow those of us CC users who are concerned with Free to workd together without having to look at the link all the time to weed out those NC and ND works that personally just waste my time.

So far no response.

“Will we see this in our lifetime, or is it going to take a hundred years and a revolution or two?”

Well, I think the more the copyleft pool of works builds up, the more likely we are to see the copyright laws become more sensible.

all the best,


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SellaBand - A New Middleman · Tuesday August 29, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

Not quite sure about SellaBand (hat tip Nick Taylor and Springwise), but they certainly seem to have figured out that the fans are where the money ultimately comes from, and if the labels are now even abusing the fans as well as the musicians, that you might as well go back to first principles and try and help the musician make a deal with their fans directly.

A strange thing to focus on the fans collectively purchasing a recording session, but it’s a key phase I guess.

Usually, the people who stump up the funds get to share in the rewards. In this case they get a copy of the music on a limited edition CD and 50% of net profits from conventional sales of the CD. The other 50% goes to SellaBand. Artists get to purchase CDs at a fixed price – presumably to sell them at whatever they can get for them.

At first I thought this was perhaps another case of falling between two stools (audience procurement of copyleft vs traditional copyright publishing). Audience stumps up the advance, gets a free copy. Publisher gets the IP and all commercial exploitation. Artist gets popularity…

However, at least in this case the punter gets a cut:

The Believer is also entitled a percentage of 50% pro rata of the Net purchase price received by SellaBand in relation to sales of the regular version of the CD to third parties.

However, there’s more than just CD sales to think of…

All rights related to the CD tracks, including intellectual and industrial property rights like copy- and neighbouring rights and Master rights, shall exclusively be vested in SellaBand

The artist gets 60% of the publishing income – with none to the fan.

Any website advertising revenue is split equally with artists and fans, e.g. 33% to SellaBand, 33% to 1,000 artists, and 33% to each artist’s 5,000 fans, but is only paid out if/when it amounts to more than $1 (and a 5,000th of 33% of a thousandth of total ad revenue implies some big money changing hands before a fan sees a single buck).

So, in this new enlightened deal:

  1. The artist gets the break of a recording session (financed by the confidence of their fans) and 60% of publishing income.
  2. The fan gets to pay in advance for a CD that everyone can later download for nothing, and 50% of revenue from sales of CDs (to those still buying them).
  3. The publisher gets full rights to the music and near zero risk.

Business as usual eh?

Rave said 6666 days ago :

maybe you should read this again…

Crosbie Fitch said 6666 days ago :

Yup. I’ve read it another time. Has anything changed? Is my synopsis significantly inaccurate?

It still says “The Artist hereby exclusively and irrevocably assigns to SellaBand subject to all terms and conditions herein and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and the Title Agreement
all – whole or partly – unrestricted worldwide music copyright, and all other rights of a like nature, whether vested or contingent, and such other rights as may be conferred or created by
law or international arrangement or convention whether by way of new or additional rights not
now comprised in copyright or by way of extension or renewal of existing rights, of and in the
words and music of the Work(s)”

I would have thought that SellaBand simply required the artist to provide them with a license that met their requirements, i.e. did not transfer the artist’s copyright to SellaBand.

Why not let the artist keep their copyright eh?

Rustycat said 6666 days ago :

Check out what I had to say about it:

Crosbie Fitch said 6666 days ago :

Thanks RustyCat. Very interesting.

You know what they say: “No reward without risk”. The question is, what risk is SellaBand taking?

For example, SellaBand could offer to pay each artist an advance for each new fan they obtained, e.g. for each fan that pays $10, we’ll advance you $1. You pay us this money back if you opt out, or you keep it if you sign (and importantly it isn’t deducted from the $50,000).

Now, that’s still very little risk, but it does sweeten the deal slightly.

The ‘familiar smell’ about SellaBand, is that rather than offer a better value proposition for artist and audience alike it’s simply the same one as usual, but a less risky one for the publisher – that’s just as lucrative (certainly saves on A&R).

An Artist's Hippocratic Oath · Wednesday August 16, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

I wonder if perhaps it’s not only art that should be identified as free of encumbrance, but artists too?

Perhaps artists should be able to declare themselves fully committed proponents of free culture?

After all, isn’t it an artist whose reputation is at stake, not merely their art?

We need some oath that declares an absolute respect for truth, privacy, and artistic freedom.

I mentioned something similar on SlashDot recently. Perhaps something could be refined along these lines?

“I will not accept the enslavement of my fellow man, nor any imposition upon his liberty, as reward for the publication of my art”

This can be fleshed out, e.g. having qualifications that copyright will not be used except in order to preserve artistic freedom, that patents would not be used except in order to prevent the exercise of derivative patents, that DRM/DMCA would never be used, etc.

However, we’d need to emphasise the respect for accurate attribution (which includes respect for laudable use of trademarks), and the privacy of other people (artists) and their organisations.

For some strange reason some people think commercial secrets are inherently evil, and yet they have no impact upon the freedom of the public – unless you believe people should have the freedom to violate another’s right to privacy. So, we’d need to clarify a respect for commercial secrets (as for all undisclosed information). This is obviously distinct from any ethical argument concerning whistle-blowers acting in the public good. We’d need to clarify that ‘liberating’ a pre-production release of Star Wars Episode 7 does not actually count as acting in the public good…

Scott C. said 6742 days ago :

Perhaps artists should be able to declare themselves fully committed proponents of free culture?

Of course they should be able to, if they want to.

Although, if an employer is an abuser of software patents, I would hope that any employee who is committed to free software would be looking for another employer ASAP. I don’t think there is a need for an oath to quit immediately. Maybe I’m just being safe and pragmatic. Still, I think you can be committed to free software and culture without putting your livelihood at stake on a moment’s notice.

What would you hope to gain with this oath—to put some pressure on a company to behave better?

Freedom is on the March! (Or at least in the planning stages…)

Crosbie Fitch said 6742 days ago :

Putting one’s livelihood on the line might as well be declared up front as a declaration of integrity, and not least a warning to less scrupulous employers or clients that the artist does actually have scruples.

It won’t be for everyone, by any means, but some people may be happy to advertise their principles, and be judged by them.

Scott C. said 6742 days ago :

I’m happy to advertise my belief in free software and a free society, but perhaps my idealism is qualified and my principles compromised if I don’t want to make that oath and stand by it. Of course, I’m just getting started with freedom practitioning and agitation and maybe haven’t read enough Eben Moglen yet to let go of my inhibitions.

I can say I absolutely wouldn’t work for a company that abused software patents. I think software patents are a huge threat to freedom. And we should probably flee from this kind of company anyway, for more pragmatic reasons if nothing else, if we agree with what Paul Graham said:

“A company that sues competitors for patent infringement is like a defender who has been beaten so thoroughly that he turns to plead with the referee. You don’t do that if you can still reach the ball, even if you genuinely believe you’ve been fouled. So a company threatening patent suits is a company in trouble.”

Essential Reading · Monday August 14, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

If there’s one article you should point out to anyone that still thinks copyright is a good idea – if only kids would stop file-sharing – then this is it:
The Promise of a Post-Copyright World

Scott C. said 6744 days ago :

Great link and web site—thanks and curses to you—now I have to find some time to read the good articles there.

Thomas Jefferson Agrees · Monday August 14, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it. Its peculiar character, too, is that no one possesses the less, because every other possesses the whole of it. He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. That ideas should freely spread from one to another over the globe, for the moral and mutual instruction of man, and improvement of his condition, seems to have been peculiarly and benevolently designed by nature, when she made them, like fire, expansible over all space, without lessening their density in any point, and like the air in which we breathe, move, and have our physical being, incapable of confinement or exclusive appropriation.

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Isaac McPherson, Monticello, August 13, 1813

IP is Indeed Property · Thursday August 10, 2006 by Crosbie Fitch

Property is that which you physically and exclusively control, and have created or otherwise have a natural right to. It is something that you can exchange or can give to another. Try not to focus beyond that.

To make it easier to explain, an example of such property is a secret formula you write in a diary.

You could sell this formula to someone if they were convinced only you had it and it was valuable. Once you’ve sold it, it is no longer your secret.

It doesn’t matter that you haven’t destroyed your diary. The property was the secret, and you no longer have that secret.

It doesn’t matter that what you sold was transformed in the process of exchange (from a secret to a ‘restricted knowledge distribution’), you and the purchaser considered the exchange equitable. You now have more money instead of a secret. They have a formula which they didn’t have before, and less money.

This buyer, could instead have burgled your house, taken a photo of your diary, and thereby STOLEN your secret.
It doesn’t matter whether you knew about this or not, the fact remains that the burglar had to breach your privacy and property in order to remove something of value from you. You lost the secret.

Naturally, owners of secrets are conscious that they may be stolen without their knowledge and are sensitive to clues that theft may have occurred, e.g. previously keen purchasers suddenly claiming they’ve found someone else who also has a good formula.

Unfortunately, copyright makes people think that all intellectual property is a pretence, even private intellectual property. This is because copyright is about pretending that public intellectual property is still privately owned when it plainly isn’t. So, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater when you ignore copyright. You’re reclaiming the public’s rightful ownership of published intellectual property, you are not also claiming ownership of people’s private intellectual property – that’s still theirs to keep or sell.

drew Roberts said 6592 days ago :

“Property is that which you physically and exclusively control, and have created or otherwise have a natural right to. It is something that you can exchange or can give to another. Try not to focus beyond that.”

Sorry, I want to focus beyond that.

The problem I have is that what you are calling property here cannot be stolen from you.

Unless, perhaps, you are willing to stipulate that is is the secretness itself and not the subject matter of the secret which is your property?

Or unless perhaps I steal the diary with the secret formula and you have actually forgotten it?

Otherwise, I can wrongly convert your secret knowledge to public knowledge, but I cannot take the knowledge itself from you.

What other property behaves in this fashion?

all the best,




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