So, dear artist, being your best customer:
- Your audience is happy to pay you for your work
- So deal with it, don’t prosecute it
- Copies of your work cost nothing, so don’t try to charge for them – they are not ‘lost sales’
- Copies are your promiscuous promoters – don’t encumber them
- The bigger your audience the bigger their budget
- Give them a better bargain
- Art for money, money for art
I’m pleased to read Bob Blakley’s latest blog entry:
The New Studio
Welcome to the second age of enlightenment Bob, where artists cease their mercenary suspension of each others’ liberty via the unethical privileges of patent and copyright.
Hear, hear. I’m always surprised by the number of ‘artists’ who, in any given discussion on digital distribution of art, chime in with the usual “but copying my work hurts me, denies me a living!”.
Comment #000156 at
2008-02-16 19:43
So, dear artist, being your best customer:
I’m pleased to read Bob Blakley’s latest blog entry:
The New Studio
Welcome to the second age of enlightenment Bob, where artists cease their mercenary suspension of each others’ liberty via the unethical privileges of patent and copyright.