Artistic Freedom · Tuesday February 19, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch
We are all artists. To be human is to be an artist.
Just as all men are born equal and free, so are all men born artists, and none of us, even as a reward to progress the arts, should be given the privilege of suspending the liberty of all other artists – nor even one.
By all means revere ourselves as artists and all of our art, our culture, but what art we artists produce from our private space to sell or freely publish in mankind’s cultural commonwealth belongs to all – to use, perform, reproduce, and build upon as any of us please.
Such liberty threatens no truth of authorship, no privacy of property (whether material or intellectual), and least of all life, which only becomes the more enriched.
Abolish slavery(DONE)- Abolish copyright (To do)
- Abolish patent (To do)
Copyright and patent are the remaining suspensions of artistic freedom that must be undone before we can consider ourselves truly emancipated from the shackles of commerce in our liberty.