See No Evil · Wednesday July 21, 2010 by Crosbie Fitch
I read on The 1709 Blog that even though Professor Lionel Bently concedes the legitimacy of copyright is a fit and proper subject for academic study, he cannot bring himself to pose any vision for the future in which it does not remain legitimate.
Lionel posed three visions to consider:
(i) judicial deepening of harmonisation in the ECJ;
(ii) further piecemeal legislation from the EU; and
(iii) a European copyright code and unitary European copyright.
(iv) Abolition, of course, being unthinkable.
The black swan of cultural liberation may be a nightmare for crown privileged publishing corporations and their lawyer footmen, but for the downtrodden mortals it cannot return from its migration too soon.
Perhaps Lionel Bently should have a word with Jessica Wood (see Darknet Enlightenment)?
Then again, maybe there are very few well heeled audiences that would attend any speaker who dared countenance a future without copyright?