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Regulation of Communications (Net Neutrality) · Friday May 23, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

The crusade for network regulation in the name of neutrality moves on apace and collects an ever larger entourage of concerned, but misled citizens.

People are misled, because they imagine that ‘neutrality’ means that their communications must be treated irrespective of content and communicants.

What neutrality actually means is that whatever communications are permitted must be treated irrespective of content and communicants.

Enforcement of neutrality means that the state will regulate what communication is permitted and regulate ISPs to ensure it is treated neutrally.

Thus it’s quite possible for certain communications to be denied because of their content (copyright infringing content) or their communicants (sites known for sedition or obscenity, WiFi points open to the public, etc.).

What no-one will point out to those believing that neutrality means ‘uncontrolled’ is that the logical conclusion to such a naive understanding of network neutrality is copyright abolition (since an uncontrolled Internet is fundamentally an uncontrolled copying and instantaneous diffusion machine). Unfortunately, the champions of regulated neutrality have as their sponsors those interested in any regulation, simply to get their foot in the door to regulate the Internet communications that threaten their traditional business models. The last thing they want to happen is neutralisation of copyright (heaven forfend its consequent abolition).

So, despite citizens believing net neutrality is in line with their aspiration to communicate without interference, the sponsors of net neutrality are not actually interested in emancipating the people from controls over their communication at all.

I therefore cannot support the idea of letting regulators cross the threshold to ensure people can exchange anything they can legitimately exchange at the QoS they paid for. Because then, instead of the ISPs selling off preferential treatment, the regulators will enforce egalitarian and copyright respectful treatment (and inevitably, that the communications themselves are also respectful of the state).

It’s like inviting a pack of wolves in to keep the foxes under control.

What would be far better would be to regulate the market of communications providers, ensuring it is competitive, than to regulate communications providers themselves. After all, ISPs couldn’t start offering preferential treatment to publishers if their otherwise captive and suffering customers could find alternative ISPs that sold a non-preferential service.

Never mind. Pandora’s box is open.

We’ll see how the great struggle for free speech and cultural liberty turns out in the next few years:

  • People want to freely communicate, subject to each other’s natural rights (life, privacy, truth).
  • Governments and publishing corporations want control over communications channels (including the communications they permit).

It’s people vs state+corporations. I think the former has the edge, but it’s probably a close call.

BBC, You're Fired! (from The Apprentice) · Monday May 19, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

The BBC is one of the few organisations on this planet easily able to embrace the future non-copyright based revenue model of letting its audience directly fund its works, but unfortunately it is failing miserably – in the same way that an alcoholic might fail miserably in figuring out how to get drunk having been accidentally locked inside a whisky distillery.

So, the BBC takes my money and makes me a programme called The Apprentice.

Unfortunately, I miss its broadcast slot. No matter, today we have the instantaneous diffusion device known as the Internet to provide a relatively inexpensive means of distributing recordings of such TV programmes.

Perversely, in its infinite wisdom, the BBC believes that whilst it should facilitate the delivery of its customers’ TV programmes to them via broadcast, it should not do so via the Internet except via a highly constrained means (only generally permitting previews and excerpts via its crippled iPlayer, and the entire programme only at certain times and even then with a self-destruct expiry). Instead, it remains up to the customers to provide an unconstrained distribution facility themselves via BitTorrent.

Is this petty behaviour by the BBC like a child holding its hands over its eyes in the hope it becomes invisible?

The programmes that the BBC’s customers funded are being ‘re-broadcast’ on the Internet by some of the customers themselves (who have already received them), and are gladly being re-received by other customers who’ve also paid for them.

Why is the BBC trying to pretend this isn’t happening?

It can’t be financial, because:

  • The producers have been paid, and have supplied the programmes they’ve been paid for.
  • The commissioning audience has paid up, and has received the programmes it has paid for.

So why on earth isn’t the BBC embracing BitTorrent as a means of enabling the commissioners of the programmes to receive what they’ve paid for?

The reasons for the BBC’s perverse behaviour remain as yet unknown, but what we do know about the use of BitTorrent is:

  1. It is already happening
  2. It doesn’t incur any additional expense on the part of the BBC

If the BBC was a candidate on The Apprentice and challenged with the task of delivering the programmes that their customers had paid for to those same customers in a timely and convenient fashion, Sir Alan Sugar would probably ask them why the heck they didn’t utilise the free and efficient distribution technology known as BitTorrent, instead wasting £6,000,000 creating a semi-functional monstrosity called iPlayer and then having the gall to use it to supply only fragments of the customers’ programmes or versions that would self-destruct (perhaps to encourage them to continue to use their TVs instead of their PCs).

BBC, sorry. You’ve done great work on previous occasions, but this time you really lost sight of the ball. You had your chance. You’re fired! I don’t need lunatics or Luddites like you in my organisation who would waste six million pounds of my money trying to prevent my customers getting what they paid for.”

isaac said 6078 days ago :

Good points here, but I think the real reason why the BBC ignores BitTorrent is still a financial one: They’re afraid of losing the revenue from international licensing & DVD sales. The iPlayer at least lets them keep the content inside Britain.

Crosbie Fitch said 6078 days ago :

Ah, so the BBC is selling the suspension of its citizens’ liberty to foreign nations? What happened to “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves”?

The BBC is denying its viewers the liberty to exchange and build upon the programmes they’ve paid for, in order that such suspended liberty can be sold for the exploitation of corporations in other countries.

Not only does this make the BBC complicit in cultural repression, it also demonstrates its ignorance of the consequence that Britain would become far more culturally richer (in both senses of the word) if the BBC instead culturally emancipated its more important customers – the British public.

After all, what is the point of the BBC? To maximise profit or to culturally enrich the nation with news, education and entertainment?

As for the idea that the iPlayer is a fence or other mechanism of containment, this is preposterous. Not only because it is plainly incapable of such a function (even as a line in the sand), but because the very idea of wanting to ‘keep the content inside Britain’ is crazy.

Thanks for the comment Isaac. :)

isaac said 6078 days ago :

Hey, I’m not saying I agree with what the BBC is doing or that the iPlayer works as a border to keep the rest of the world out (I’m from Australia and bittorrent Doctor Who every week). The ABC here in Australia releases a good chunk of their original programming as free podcasts, so I guess being sensible isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility for large broadcasters (though the ABC doesn’t produce much of interest to the outside world).

Crosbie Fitch said 6078 days ago :

I’m not surprised you don’t agree.

The important thing is to stop public corporations kidding themselves that what they are doing is agreeable to their public commissioners.

A simple first step would be for the BBC to have a channel that was broadcast and distributed completely unencumbered to the British public. It would then be much cheaper given it could be re-distributed free of charge by the public themselves (via BitTorrent). Unfortunately, I think the BBC will wait until everyone else has been doing that sort of thing for five years before they’ll even think about doing it themselves. It’ll then be too late and the BBC will be out-competed in the market of publicly funded producers of publicly owned IP.

NB That’s ‘publicly owned’ as in the public get their grubby hands on their own property, not as in ‘Owned by a public corporation and reserved for exploitation by multinational media conglomerates’.

As for ABC being of interest to the outside world, there’s at least Skippy and Paul Hogan that I’d cite as my favourites, though they don’t quite match the BitTorrent-worthy unmissability of The Apprentice.

The Copyright Abolition Movement · Monday May 19, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

Apparently the Northern California chapter of the US Copyright Society is advertising in its spring newsletter an event on June 26th by Professor Lawrence Lessig entitled “The Growing Copyright Abolitionist Movement, and How You Can Help Stop It”.

As I’ve said before, no-one will have done more to postpone the inevitable abolition of copyright than Professor Lawrence Lessig – despite the claims of his maximalist detractors1 who believe Creative Commons threatens copyright, when quite to the contrary its mission is actually to recast and reinforce copyright as an authorial privilege (naturally, just as unethical as when wielded by publishers).

So, if you understand that all mercantile privilege is unethical, even if restricted to self-publishing authors, then perhaps you might turn up and put the case for copyright’s abolition and the movement of those in support – who hold that no citizen should be threatened with 5 year jail sentences and million dollar fines for enjoying their cultural freedom, just so that an author benefits from a commercial monopoly over reproduction, performance, and other use of their published works.

If you need to counter claims that the US constitution sanctions copyright, you can point to my recent post here, where I show how the state can secure authors’ natural, exclusive rights to their writings without granting them unethical privileges such as copyright over their fellow men.


1 PFF’s recent diatribe against Lessig: Tragedy and Farce: An Analysis of the Book FREE CULTURE by Thomas D. Sydnor II

Anthony Schueller said 4543 days ago :

I agree, we need to get rid of this Cultural Lockdown, I just came across two movies on youtube that were removed because of this, I don’t see why I should not be allowed to watch movies just because I can’t find a job (Because there are almost none left), and have no money.

Copyright's Stigma of Ideological Theft · Sunday May 18, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

Lucas Gonze insightfully observes a strange absence from many musicians’ websites in his recent post musician blogs are mules.

“None of them link to other musician blogs.”

It’s one of those “Oh my god, you’re right!” revelations, such as one might get after someone says “None of the women at this party are wearing any makeup” and you realise that you must have unconsciously recognised it, but it’s only when it’s pointed out that the shock hits you as you realise how odd and spooky it is.

I suspect that a lot of the non-linking behaviour on musicians’ websites comes from the subtle cultural indoctrination we’ve been living with for a few centuries now (since the advent of copyright) that a musician who is influenced by others is a lesser musician (by exposing themselves to considerable risk of being less original).

Copyright effectively says that the only works worthy of the public’s attention and so deserving of their reward are works that are wholly original – any derivative work is a trespass upon the work of the ‘original’ creator and warrants their consent or veto, and first claim to any reward.

A musician who links to another is thus admitting exposure to that other musician (unless perhaps in a wholly different genre that they doubt they’d ever wish to explore in the future).

Perhaps when copyright is abolished, and its spurious stigma of ideological theft dissipates, all musicians can come out of their closets and embrace each other and their works as naturally inspirational or influential to a greater or lesser extent.

It’s the same with authors today who fear to reveal what books they’ve read or may have used as references, for fear of accusations of copyright infringement (or even actual litigation) – far better to pretend to be unread with any apparent similarity able to be dismissed as purely coincidental (even if one is then unable to give due credit to one’s influences).

Constitutional Sanction · Friday May 16, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

Article 1, Section 8, clause 81 of the US Constitution says,
“To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”

Believe it or not, but this doesn’t actually sanction copyright or patent. However, those who enact and support copyright and patent may argue that it permits such unethical privileges.

But, more importantly, the US constitution doesn’t prevent the abolition of copyright or patent.

Let’s see how, whilst still tightly adhering to the US constitution, the people’s liberty need not be unethically suspended, as it is by copyright and patent, when securing their natural intellectual property rights:

  1. Authors and inventors, being human beings have a natural, exclusive right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.
  2. This natural right should be secured by the state – to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.
  3. The natural right can last no longer than the lifetime of the author or inventor.
  4. The natural right should be secured for a limited time equal to the limited lifetime of the author or inventor, except in the event of unnatural death, when this limited time should be extended to secure a now unnatural exclusive right by a further quarter of the normal lifespan.
  5. The natural right ceases to be exclusive when the author or inventor voluntarily communicates (or permits the communication of) their writings and discoveries to other parties, whether by gift or exchange.
  6. An author’s or inventor’s writings and discoveries naturally remain exclusive to all natural parties to whom they have been voluntarily communicated (by any such party).
  7. All such communicated parties may, as a collective, be treated as if a single author or inventor and should have secured (by the state) their natural, exclusive right for as long as they each shall live.
  8. No communicated party may as a consequence submit to the abridgement of their freedom of speech, which includes the freedom to further communicate (the writings and discoveries voluntarily communicated to them) to whomsoever they choose. NB This doesn’t preclude a communicant’s commercial exchange of their continued silence (confidentiality).
  9. Those who are not voluntarily communicated parties, who view, remove, copy, or otherwise communicate a party’s writings or discoveries to themselves (or any other) without that party’s permission shall be penalised statutorily (for the violation of privacy) and additionally in proportion to the market value of the publication of those writings or discoveries (where publication is their exchange for money with members of the public at large), and further required to restore any removal and destroy any copies manufactured. All who have been further illegitimately communicated may also be similarly liable in so far as they are complicit, but must at least also cease and reverse any communication in so far as it is practicable.

This would seem to be in greater accord with the natural rights philosophy of Thomas Paine than the current copyright and patent legislation (that unethically suspends the public’s liberty in order to create mercantile privilege, so subjecting the people to the tyranny and oppression of immortal and sociopathic corporations who’ve adopted the privilege as their own).


1 Thanks to Grndexter who brought this clause to my attention on Techdirt

KD said 6098 days ago :

Seems to me you are making this harder than necessary.

The Constitution just gives Congress the power to make laws in the areas listed. It does not require Congress to do so. If Congress determines that the current laws are not promoting the progress of science and useful arts, Congress can change or repeal them.

There seems to be quite a bit of evidence that patents and copyrights are not promoting progress in those areas, so such changes probably would be a good thing. Of course, those who are benefiting from the current system would lobby against weakening or abolishing it, but if they are trying to build their argument on it being unconstitutional to weaken or abolish the current system, it ought to be easy to shoot down those arguments. (No doubt they have many other arguments for keeping the current systems, so shooting down just this one, if they are actually using it, doesn’t help much.)

Crosbie Fitch said 6098 days ago :

Thanks KD. I don’t think I’m making things harder, just making another tiny cut out of thousands – even if it is one of the more obscure ones that could be made.

I’ll leave the making of more easily understood arguments to those more capable than me.

It doesn’t seem to me that there’s much of a surfeit of help available in enlightening people as to the ills of commercial privilege.

So, it’s good to hear from you. :)

Jason said 6088 days ago :

Forgive me if I’m asking questions you’ve answered elsewhere. I’m just trying to clearly understand your position.

I think you’re saying:
1) The “tyranny and oppression of immortal and sociopathic corporations” is the direct result of current copyright law.

This I agree with completely.

But I think you’re also saying:
2) Any form of copyright law is unethical, regardless of its terms, and
3) It is unethical for creators to seek to have any monopoly/control of any sort over their creations.

Please correct any misunderstandings I have so far, if you would, or point me to places where you’ve already done so.


Crosbie Fitch said 6088 days ago :

Happy to oblige, Jason.

Corporations are immortal and sociopathic because they are not human beings, and so rather than being programmed to further the survival of the human race (and its habitat) and integrate into society, are instead programmed to maximise profit (typically in the short term at the expense of the long term) by exploiting society and its resources.

See Corporation as Psychopath
by Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman.

Corporations aren’t necessarily a problem, in the same sense that semi-autonomous weapons aren’t necessarily a problem. However corporations should never have been elevated to anywhere near the same status as citizens or human beings. They do not have any rights (save those contributed by their human constituent, such as collective privacy).

Given they also have different natures, they should not be permitted to contract with humans – see ACACIA.

So, copyright merely empowers corporations, it doesn’t make them sociopathic.

Any form of copyright applying to published works is unethical. Copyright applying to private works is the natural law and so quite ethical. One of the key arguments proposed in copyright’s favour is that nature must have erred in failing to extend an author’s natural, exclusive right to their unpublished writings beyond the simple act of their publication. Hence copyright steps in to ‘save the day’. It’s of course plain to see that nature only enables protection of one’s private domain, for outside it lies the domain of the public’s liberty. Supposedly to be protected by the state, not controlled to be commercially exploited.

It’s quite natural for people to seek control and monopolies (at the expense of others’ liberty), but that’s why we have a government – to regulate egalitarian fair play and the equal protection of everyone’s natural rights. It would be unethical if the government granted such controls or monopolies (unless perhaps this was essential to protect the lives of its citizens).

Dean Marlettsmith said 6078 days ago :

“1. Authors and inventors, being human beings have a natural, exclusive right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” Is there a legal presumption that authors and inventors may not necessary be human beings? Number 8 should be removed; the federal government should secure liberty from itself against its citizens. Number 9 is plainly a lawyers’ full-employment bill!

I have created an edition of the Constitution where the amendments are included within the seven articles. U.S. Constitution 2.27 (ftp://marlettsmith.com/usconstitution2-27.pdf). I made this version because I believe too many of our fellow citizens think amendments have a life outside of the original seven articles. Incorporation doctrine is a strange walk through the dark regions of constitutional law in order to create law. I await to add numbers 1 to 7 to my pdf.

Crosbie Fitch said 6078 days ago :

Thanks Dean, it’s good to have the benefit of your constitutionally experienced eye.

In answer to you question, corporations are not human, and have no natural rights. I felt it was necessary to emphasise where natural rights come from – it is not self-evident these days.

I take it that you consider my points 8 and 9 are redundant, as opposed to disagreeable or unworkable? I’d be interested in further explanation of your reasoning.

It is promising that you do not raise objection to points 1 to 7.

Who Invented Klackers? · Thursday May 15, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

Remember Klackers?

Others remember them too. See NostalgiaCentral.com and TimeWarpToys.com.

Who invented them though?

I don’t know if he was the first to invent them, but my father did invent them in 1949, and took out a patent (GB625695). Not that it gave him any benefit, nor the public. The public had to wait 20 years for the patent to expire so this toy could be manufactured without my father being able to hold it hostage – not that he would have done, of course. ;-)

Coveting Personal Data · Tuesday May 13, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

Recently I’ve noticed a fair bit of ‘data envy’ going on – suspicion and concern about the personal data silos being constructed for commercial motives. While it may be wise to remain suspicious and concerned about any corporation’s motives, many people appear to feel that personal data about them naturally remains private to them and should rightfully be surrendered, deleted, or tightly controlled at the subject’s behest by any entity who collects it.

This is a spurious, if not superstitious elevation of data into the property of the person it describes instead of the property of its possessor. It would appear to be informed by the same mindset that finds copyright wholesome, i.e. that a copy of an artwork may be sold or given away, but the intellectual work within it remains the property of its author (or their assigns).

I think it’s because people have mistaken personal data as a quasi-autonomous object able to make revealing statements about the person. Consequently, such powerful data is rightfully the property of the person it makes statements about – not to be contemptuously exchanged between merchants as some kind of commodity. Or so the thinking would appear to go.

The problem is, there is no such thing as intrinsically authoritative data. For data to be potent we always need an author who will be authoritative about it. Either the author who originated it, or the author who communicates it.

In other words, data, not being a sentient being, cannot be held responsible for its own veracity. It does not have a life of its own, nor can it possess any intrinsic value. For such potency it needs a context in which someone gives it meaning. Even if data constitutes the recording of an action or statement, it is impotent until it is spoken or otherwise communicated, and it is then the author and speaker who are responsible for it, not the statement.

Simply because a database contains data from which factual statements tend to be asserted does not actually confer an ability to be authoritative on the data or the database. The database owner is the authority and they make assertions from their data according to their confidence in its accuracy. Someone else may be able to inspect the database and to guess the assertions that the owner might be inclined to make, and may even have the audacity to make assertions of their own simply from such guess work. However, it is not the data that is authoritative or thus culpable, but the person who uses it to make statements. That is not to say that there are no irresponsible database owners who pretend to imbue their databases with autonomy sufficient to make authoritative statements upon their behalf (“The computer says you are deceased – QED – so you are.” and see Brazil).

Therefore if data is used to make statements about someone, then that someone is not so much entitled to control over the data, but entitled to truthfulness in whatever statements are made about them. It is the database owner in their dutiful care for accuracy who necessarily takes pains to ensure they have control over the data within their database (including access to it).

At the end of the day, someone makes a statement to another party – presumably voluntarily, e.g. “I, Fred Smith, am HIV positive”. The other party then chooses to record details of this in their database.

Fred does not own the data. The database owner owns the data, but then it only has meaning for them. The data typically represents a recording of someone’s statement or action – it is not the viva voce statement itself, nor can the permanence of the recording give permanence to the statement.

There are no privacy or property rights here as far as Fred is concerned, but moral rights – rights to truth.

If Fred didn’t want the database owner to be able to make statements about Fred’s immune system with confident accuracy, then Fred shouldn’t have imparted this information in the first place.

“Well, what’s the point of privacy if it doesn’t stop people blabbing to all and sundry about one’s private affairs?”

In the context of personal data, privacy is not the right to control what other people record or say about you (even if of a personal nature), but to prevent others having access to your private domain and all your personal data or secrets within it, and if they do via unauthorised access obtain such information, to prevent them revealing it further (necessarily returning/restoring any copies they’ve removed and destroying any additional copies they’ve made).

However, if you voluntarily reveal one of your secrets to someone, you have no right to control whether they reveal it to anyone else. You might like such power over your fellow man, but it would be an unethical privilege if granted. Even so, the secret remains private to those who legitimately know it. Simply because a secret has been told to another, does not void either confidant’s right to privacy (protection of the secret they share from access by another that neither authorises – joint authorisation being unnecessary).

Instead of a natural right or unnatural privilege to control the circulation of one’s secrets, what we naturally have instead is discretion and confidence. It is up to the individuals concerned to reassure each other as to what degree of discretion can be expected for any private information exchanged between them. This cannot be binding. Even so, the breaking of confidence can have ramifications for one’s reputation. So there are natural repercussions that obviate the need for unethical legislation.

Where legislation may be required is in governing corporations. Corporations not being mortal, have no rights (notwithstanding the aggregated rights of their constituents), but although they must still respect the rights of their human customers, they may have little concern for the ramifications of breaking their confidence. It is possible that a corporation must have a published ‘privacy policy’ and be fined if this is not upheld. Alternatively, one may simply dispel all notions of corporate confidentiality and declare that no-one can expect any discretion concerning personal information confided to corporations, even if pretended otherwise.

There are two responses to this situation (if one considers the voluntary surrendering of personal details the surrendering of control over their circulation, and yet one wishes to deny any abusive or exploitative use by those in possession):

  • The Horse’s Mouth convention
  • The Boliaunification1 method

The Horse’s Mouth response is based on a convention (and reasonable argument) that no statement concerning someone’s personal details can be considered reliably authoritative unless it is currently issued by the person themselves – and if they won’t tell you, you can’t reliably know – all other statements must be considered unreliable hearsay. Adriana Lukas has proposed something along these lines.

After all, as I’ve already noted, veracity cannot reside in data, but must reside in people’s statements and actions. Simply because there’s a binary digit in a database that is 1 rather than 0, this does not constitute evidence that someone is a student, say. It may simply represent that this is the best known status of an applicant, hopefully entered voluntarily and thus accurately by them, possibly having been guessed by someone else, probably being out of date. Don’t ask for the digit nor that it not be recorded, but demand that statements based upon it must be truthful, and thus that decisions are correctly informed.

The Boliaunification1 response simply neutralises the restricted circulation status of any personal data in anyone else’s possession by publishing it, either authoritatively, or in a variegated2 manner by issuing contradictory statements (likely to impair truth, so unlikely to be ethical). Publishing authoritatively also achieves a ‘horse’s mouth’ effect, e.g. “Not only is your recording of my personal data no longer exclusive it is no longer as good as my live and fully historical feed”.

NB Boliaunification can work both ways. If corporations must adhere to highly onerous regulations governing the retention of personal data, they can simply automatically publish all personal data they’d wish to retain (as declared in a ‘privacy policy’). For example, if Google would like to retain its users’ search history, but the law makes this impractical or in conflict with user interests (because the state demands to be privy), they could simply publish it instead.

For confidences of personal details between people, it is a matter of mutual respect and confidence in each others discretion as far as it is agreed, offered, or to be expected.

Talking of which, I note with consternation some people’s expectations that they have a right for their private correspondence to remain unpublished, even if it is disrespectful, as in e-mail bullying. If a correspondent does not respect the recipient they can have no expectation that the recipient will respect the sender or the sender’s desire for their disrespectful missive not to be further circulated or published.


  1. Ownership of data rightfully accrues to its legitimate possessor, not its subject, even if the data is of a personal nature.
  2. The natural right to privacy protects personal or other data against access or theft, but not against disclosure by its authorised recipients.
  3. The natural right to truth protects people against others making false statements about them, of a personal nature or otherwise.
  4. Despite an understandable desire by people to have control over circulation of their disclosed secrets and their confidants’ statement of them, moreover to have control over others’ data and databases that may be relied upon to make such statements, there is no such natural right, nor sanction for such an unnatural privilege to be created4.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s data, even if it concerns thee.


1 Boliaunify:

  • to intentionally make something inconspicuous, insignificant, valueless or non-exclusive, by mass proliferation of copies or other means of diffusion (especially something over which one has no direct control). From the ‘Field of Boliauns’ legend.

2 Variegated Boliaunification:

  • to boliaunify by profusion of similar items, not necessarily copies.

3 Pre-emptive Boliaunification:

  • to boliaunify something over which one has direct control as a precaution against it otherwise being at risk of another’s appropriation or exclusive control, e.g. the act of publishing details of one’s new invention in order to preserve the ability to use it by preventing it from being patented – also avoiding patent/litigation costs.

4 The UK Data Protection Act is not so much a privilege as a statutory remedy against inaccuracy (and consequentially misinformed decisions with potentially adverse consequences) within corporate databases (especially those that may tend to be abused as intrinsically authoritative).

Natural Intellectual Property Unnaturally Privileged · Tuesday May 06, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

Potentially having high market value, an intellectual work must be regarded as property in its own right. Among other things, this is because its value, whether utilitarian or aesthetic, can be appropriated by theft (irrespective of the possibility that any number of copies may remain with its possessor).

Despite crazy definitions to the contrary, thieves do not have uppermost in their minds the concept or intent of denying a legitimate owner the use of their property, but rather the concept and intent of seizing valuable/saleable property without payment (where the effort of theft is expected to be lower than the amount expected to be recovered through possession/use/benefit/exchange of the stolen property).

One cannot simply have a statutory penalty for violation of someone’s privacy right. One must also consider the market value of the intellectual property so appropriated, and ideally the cost of its return/repossession.

The fundamental flaw in most people’s notions of IP is not primarily that creation confers ownership (this tends to be coincident even with a first-comer idea), but that one should continue to own one’s IP even after one has parted with it (sale or gift). But for this, the legitimate owner of a book cannot be stealing its author’s property by making copies of their purchased book, unless one sustains the idea that the author owns all copies of their book even after they’ve sold them.

So it’s quite possible to accept intellectual property as arising out of natural law, e.g. you write a book, you have absolute ownership and control over that book (even without the state’s support, an individual can expect to protect it). Similarly with copies: you make a copy, you have absolute ownership and control over that copy. However, the author has no natural right to control what people do with the copies they purchase, e.g. making further copies or derivatives. Privileging the author to the contrary (for the publisher’s benefit) is the unnatural misstep, the state’s attachment of strings that nature did not.

Copyright is unnatural. All state granted monopolies are unnatural, patent included.

However, despite the unnatural privileges granted to its creators, intellectual property is nevertheless natural. The effective monopoly over access to one’s private domain and control over the material and intellectual properties within it is also natural, and thus to be protected by the state.

Blaise Alleyne said 6111 days ago :

It isn’t wrong because it’s unnatural though. Aren’t there some government monopolies which, though unnatural, could be seen as a good thing for society?

Rather, can’t some unnatural things be good?

Crosbie Fitch said 6111 days ago :

It is possible that some government meddling in free markets may remedy a short-term crisis, however it is wrong/unethical for a government to suspend their citizens’ liberty solely in order to create mercantile privileges vis a vis commercial incentives.

One should assume a privilege unhelpful to society and challenge those who support it to demonstrate otherwise, rather than the current situation where those who challenge copyright and patent are charged to demonstrate that their abolition would result in a societal benefit. But such principles are moot.

What’s happening today is that the uncontrollably diffusive nature of our digital technology is demonstrating how unnatural a privilege of controlling diffusion of published works is. So this is no ideological contest, but one of natural law vs unnatural law. Nature will win, as its tide of dissolution inexorably overcomes the last bastions of our three hundred year old sandcastle.

All I’m trying to do in this post is to counter the fatalistic nihilism of those who recognise the imminent doom of copyright (and of patent shortly thereafter), but who then go too far in concluding that intellectual work cannot therefore be considered property at all. Of course, it is.

A loss of privilege does not affect whether something is property. Certainly, if people have a mistaken notion that privileges create property then their loss may lead them to conclude that something can no longer be property. However, an intellectual work is subject to more than mere privilege. It is subject to the same natural laws as any material work and thus is naturally property. A loss of the unnatural privileges given to creators cannot undo the natural rights they started with.

Blaise Alleyne said 6087 days ago :

Right. I’m with you here. It’s wrong insofar as it’s an unnatural and unnecessary restriction of freedom.

Natural Law Protects Natural Rights · Wednesday February 27, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

William Patry recently asked me in a comment on his blog:

Given the socially created nature of law, how can we speak of what is natural? By what criteria do you observe what the natural order of society is, and is it the same for all cultures and all legal systems?

I don’t think he (or perhaps his superiors) liked my reply for it was soon deleted (along with his and my preceding comments).

Primarily, natural law emerges from the natural power and inclination of the individual:

  • to survive
  • to secure (oneself, one’s family, home, and possessions)
  • to collaborate or trade (honourable exchange of labour or possessions)
  • to explore and express – freely

The natural law as enforced by a civilised society is then simply a matter of the society asserting egalitarian fairness over its members, i.e. giving everyone an equal, natural right to life, privacy, truth, and liberty.

Natural law is the same for all human beings, since we are all of the same nature.

Different cultures may well promote alternative views as to nature (discriminating according to gender, race, religion, bloodline, etc.), but then I would concede that egalitarianism is an unnatural human inclination when arbitrary power is so enjoyed by those who have it. We should conclude that egalitarianism and recognition of natural rights are marks of a civilised society.

One can also call natural rights human rights, and there is some degree to which a worldwide human rights movement is exerting pressure for all societies, cultures and legal systems to enshrine these and demonstrate themselves as truly enlightened civilisations.

So, getting back to the inegalitarian privilege of copyright that elevates the commercial interest of publishers above the liberty of the public to free cultural exchange, by suspending their liberty to produce copies or derivatives for ‘limited’ times…

If I sent a poem in a letter to someone in the new world, whether 50 or 300 years ago, I had no natural hope of controlling who they showed it to, whether they copied it, sold it, performed it, or improved it. Indeed, I’d have no expectation of any control unless they’d agreed to be subject to some constraint. Without such agreement, I implicitly and naturally surrendered control and ownership over the letter and the poem it contained. However, what I could expect, even separated by an ocean, is that as a soon to be civilised society, fellow honourable citizens would have zealously pursued the truth in all things including the authorship of the poem. Word spreads. And this is as it should be – not with a default law against unauthorised dissemination.

Since some great statesman had the bright idea of controlling the press by granting a privilege of exclusive reproduction (cunningly harnessing self-interested press owners to fund the control the state so desired), we now have copyright. An unnatural privilege given a veneer of dignity by grievously extending it beyond the press to a quasi-right that all men should enjoy the indefinitely limited suspension of all others’ liberty to communicate or incorporate their published artistic expression – on the more palatable pretext that, due to their high commercial value, such monopolies would encourage publishers to promote the arts (rather than prosecute the citizenry).

And today, if I sent a poem in a letter to someone in the US, they are supposedly to be prosecuted should they reproduce or perform it without my authorisation. However, I’m still likely to find that since poetry in private correspondence holds no appeal for publishers, it is unlikely to enjoy their eager enforcement of copyright’s protection – I certainly couldn’t afford to do this myself. I also still have no legal redress against the real crime of plagiarism – even after 300 years of feverish legislation concerning artistic expression.

Anyway, we are now faced with a cultural mess where much of the citizenry has been brainwashed into believing that they have a natural right to prevent anyone copying or incorporating their published work against their wishes. Unfortunately Creative Commons perpetuates this myth even as it at the same time provides a standard means by which people can assert otherwise (or only somewhat, if they still think they deserve some illusion of control over their peers – you can copy, but not if you profit).

The key thing about natural law is not that it has some kind of aesthetic superiority or represents a primordial diktat, but that it reflects the nature of the people – rather than the aspirations of social engineers who feel wise enough (reassuredly so by their lobbyists) to make social contracts on the people’s behalf. It is unnatural for a mere poet to have such power that he may reach out across the ocean and punish all and any scribes impudent enough to copy his great work. When all people have photocopiers, all people naturally copy with impunity. This is neither unfair nor harmful. When we have a global communications infrastructure dedicated to the task of efficiently exchanging human expression, this both reveals the diffusive nature of information and the nature of mankind in needing to share it. Those who persist in believing that reproduction of published works must be controlled to secure a mythical authorial right are fighting a losing battle for a cause greatly distorted from its 300 year old origins.

Sasha Mrkailo said 6180 days ago :

Hi, I find your opinion on copyright issues very interesting and unusual ( for me ). But this idea on natural law is not very concrete for me (are natural laws same for a hunter society and society of urban 21 century?).
But I would like to invite you to submit a paper to Communia workshop communia on Public Domain .
I see that you are very passionate and knowledgeable in copyright issues and would like to invite you to submit one page position paper in the Public Domain for the Communia meeting. If you send it to us we can present it in your behalf as we are organizing debates. Please see: www.ethicalpublicdom…
Thank you!
Kind Regards, Sasha Mrkailo

Crosbie Fitch said 6180 days ago :

Hi Sasha,

I’m glad you find my blog interesting and unusual.

By Natural Law I mean a society’s egalitarian protection of its citizens’ Natural Rights (see wikipedia.org/Natural_rights) and fair adjudication of any conflict.

  • Seek culture, but not at the expense of liberty
  • Seek liberty, but not at the expense of truth
  • Seek truth, but not at the expense of privacy
  • Seek privacy, but not at the expense of life
  • Seek life, and enjoy free culture

Natural rights are the same whether before or after the last ice age. What differs is how well any community or civilisation effectively recognises and protects these. Even today we have supposedly enlightened states who still retain a death penalty and resort to torture (drowning+resuscitation), let alone commit lesser violations of their citizens’ natural rights, such as unwarranted invasion of their privacy, and commercially procured suspensions of their liberty (patent, copyright).

There’s a heck of a load of work there when it comes to persuading people that human rights are not an irritant to society (often being misportrayed as a counter-productive aid to vagrants, paedophiles and terrorists) but its citizens' protection from each other, not least from their state and the corporations that fund it.

I’m just working on demonstrating that there’s an ethical way of incentivising authors and inventors to publicly express themselves in novel and original ways – rather than suspending everyone else’s liberty to share and build upon that expression. And that’s a big task all by itself – I probably don’t even have time to write position papers on the public domain. :-)

Thanks for your invitation. I will certainly consider it. I’d probably say the key practice that negatively impacted the public domain was copyright, wholly unethical and to be abolished at the earliest opportunity. I wonder if that’s too obvious and will simply paraphrase umpteen other papers making the same point?

Anyway, keep up the good work. It is a clue to the linguistic corruption in the legislature that there is an organisation dedicated to protecting to the public what few published works remain to it that aren’t ‘protected’ from the public by copyright.

Incidentally, I should point out that copyright legislation does not define nor recognise the term or concept of the public domain (although there is a brief, unwitting use of the term in a recent amendment). I suggest a better definition than ‘Unprotected by copyright’ would be ‘All published works available to the public’. I touch on this here in response to Terry Hancock’s recent article Promoting the Public Domain with Creative Commons’ CC0 Initiative.

IP Theft is a Crime Despite a Consequent Abundance of Copies · Sunday February 24, 2008 by Crosbie Fitch

Having read Jon Healey’s blog Bit Player (ht: W.Patry) and an opinion piece he links to, File ‘sharing’ or ‘stealing’?, I’m dismayed to discover this facile meme still spreading that just because IP theft results in an unlimited supply of cheap copies (including to the original artist) it should be discounted, and not even classed as theft.

Only just recently, I pointed out on Michael Geist’s blog that just because something of extreme value may be reproduced very cheaply doesn’t mean it’s ok to steal it – or even ok to steal a copy of it (e.g. a spy stealing photos of missile designs).

Digital copies may indeed be near free as makes no difference, and become effectively unlimited in supply, but this doesn’t sanction theft of the work or copies thereof.

If you want to make copies and give them away then you should still pony up the money and pay for a legitimate source copy (if the producer is willing to sell it to you).

Even the free software movement stands by the right of shopkeepers to prosecute thieves, and deny browsers permission to remove the shrinkwrap to make a quick copy before returning the CD back in its packaging to the shelves. ‘Free as in speech – not as in beer’.

Sharing is about restoring everyone’s natural right to exchange and build upon our own culture – albeit produced, purchased, or otherwise legitimately obtained.

Cultural freedom is not some state of anarchy in which artists’ work is ‘stolen’ by the people on the facile pretext that the artist ‘still has a copy’. This betrays a continuation of the delusion created by copyright that the value is in the copy. It isn’t in the copy, but in the art and its publication. The natural right of publication remains extremely precious – especially in this digital age.

Cultural freedom is about restoring the public’s natural rights to its own property, the art voluntarily sold or given to it – all published works, unencumbered by mercantile privilege.

Making a copy of a work you have purchased may be copyright infringement, but it is not intellectual property theft. Taking or making a copy of a work in someone else’s private possession without their permission is IP theft – even if the work has already been published and is readily available elsewhere.

Abolishing copyright restores everyone’s intellectual property rights, it doesn’t signify any less respect for intellectual property rights – if anything, a greater respect ensues.

As a violation of the natural right to privacy, IP theft should remain, as ever, a crime.



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