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Raining on CC & Buma/Stemra's parade · Friday August 24, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

From Creative Commons’ weblog:
The Netherlands is the first country to bring such a collaboration between a music copyright organization and Creative Commons, a move applauded by Lawrence Lessig, the founder and chairman of Creative Commons International, as “the first step towards more freedom of choice in the field of exploiting music works in the digital world.”

“Freedom of choice”?

Gosh. How laudable.

“Ambassadeur, wiz zese Ferrero Rocher you are really spoiling us!”

Thanks to CC, musicians can now have a free choice in deciding whether to prosecute their fans or let them share their music without such persecution. And so, at last, collection societies can now more easily recognise that some of their members may be a bit limp in the hang ‘em and flog ‘em department.

You see how subtly the sly sinuation slips in? That the manumission of freedom is rightfully given to the copyright holder – not their suffering fans who remain, just as before, shackled not to share and imprisoned if they do – unless of course, the musician they so adore deigns to grant them clemency, if the criminals they catch have made no attempt to profit from their copying.

Remember kids, not all freedom is good. It’s great from the slave owner’s perspective that they get the freedom of choice to decide whether to capitally punish escaped slaves, just let them off with a less severe warning, or even to set them free to reduce overheads during times of drought.

So, why the heck should anyone rejoice that the choice to prosecute is no longer in the hands of the collection society, but the musician?

Sank you professeur Lessig, for letting ze kind musician have ze freedom of choice to prosecute us instead of zeir evil record label. You are really spoiling us.

Let’s rejoice when no-one has the freedom to, let alone freedom of choice to, prosecute fans for sharing a musician’s published works.

So, what, if anything, has actually changed?


Musicians can publish their music fully copyrighted and receive revenue via collection societies. Their fans share their music with impunity, but insignificant risk of jail terms.


Musicians can publish their music CC-NC and receive revenue via collection societies. Their fans share their music with impunity, but no risk of jail terms.

I don’t know who is most overjoyed by the news.

Here is my estimated breakdown of enjoyment:

  1. Creative Commons 60%
  2. Collection societies 30%
  3. Musicians 9%
  4. Those sharing the music and risking jail terms 1%
  5. Those who like the music 0%
  6. Those paying the collected fees 0%

As for economic impact, well, 0% really. Why on earth is it going to change?

  • Musicians who still believe in copyright, but don’t really want to sue their fans, will continue as before.
  • Musicians who wish their music to be promoted far and wide without let or hindrance will continue to do everything possible to escape the predations of record labels and collection societies.

Meanwhile, the board at Buma/Stemra has been persuaded that there are many musicians who continue to believe that bars and other commercial establishments should be prosecuted for promoting their work without paying for the privilege, even if they no longer think their fans should be.

Creative Commons continue to find mugs who still think copyright can be made to work if only it’s kind to kids, but cruel to commerce.

There is of course, no compromise. Either you believe in monopolies or you don’t.

The intermediate solution?

Nullification via licence, e.g. copyleft.

The inescapable conclusion?


A Better Allegory

Imagine in the movie Aliens, the adversary is actually publishers’ lucrative copyright legislation that infests human culture, admired by lone lawyers with dollars in their eyes who’d harness it for their own ends:

Ripley: I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Hudson: Fuckin’ A…
Burke: Ho-ho-hold on, hold on one second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.
Ripley: They can BILL me.

I, naturally, identify with Ripley, and suggest that Burke can be ably played by Lessig, with every other draconian publisher and their lawyers, the aliens. Let us not forget the innocent families already wiped out, or cocooned and still awaiting digestion by predatory litigation.

Auditions for Hudson’s part are invited from members of this audience.

Rob Myers said 6369 days ago :

It’s “ambassador”, not “monsieur”. If I ever go to a diplomatic reception and they don’t serve Ferrero Rocher I will be so disappointed…

Crosbie Fitch said 6369 days ago :

Thanks Rob.

I have consequently decided to revise the article to use French honorifics respectively.


One day, advertisers will publish the scripts to their adverts so that we don’t have to guess or attempt recollection from human memory.

Misunderstanding Reality · Friday August 24, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

William Stepp brings our attention to a typical pro-copyright treatise, “The Misunderstood Idea of Copyright” by Karl-Erik Tallmo.

While it seems that Karl-Erik understands copyright quite well, he offers no argument in favour of it except the traditional commercial benefit to authors/publishers, albeit at the expense of public liberty (and persecution by corporations).

He does recognise the goodness of moral rights and the right to privacy, along with the inescapable logic that the fruits of an author’s intellect are their intellectual property. However, these things lend no support to copyright.

What still remains unexplained is the peculiar illogic that one should continue to own one’s property even after one has sold it.

Justifying slavery by rote arguments of its commercial benefits to slave owners may well be unassailable on economic grounds (even if so assailable upon hindsight). However, what we have today, to extend the allegory, is a situation where all slaves have become expert escape artists to rival Houdini. Whilst it’s possible for a slave owner to visit the nearest towns to see if they can find any of their slaves still in the vicinity and obtain the services of the law to assist them reclaim their property, even the stubborn should soon see that despite the economic advantages previously enjoyed, the modern reality can no longer sustain them.

It seems that in the case of slavery, the ethical argument against it surpassed the economic argument in favour. As for copyright, ethical arguments against it are not new, but they have always been impotent against commercial priorities.

It is a mistake to believe that copyright’s contemporary problems and the appearance of arguments against it arise from its misunderstanding.

What we have today is not so much a misunderstanding of copyright, but a misapplication. It could, perhaps a decade or so ago, be effectively applied to a thousand commercial publishers with real commercial benefits to the monopoly holders (notwithstanding the probably greater hidden costs), however it can no longer be effectively applied to a billion online publishers.

It doesn’t matter how well you understand copyright, it is unethical, ineffective, uneconomic, irrelevant, and redundant.

What matters is how well you understand reality.

Conley said 6369 days ago :

“One aspect is that intellectual property is needed for a person to be able to sell his or her work. Otherwise, one can only sell one’s time.”

I love how he starts off, bolding that text. What is so horrible about only being paid for time? That’s how I was paid as a software engineer.

Crosbie Fitch said 6369 days ago :

Yes, many people charge for time, irrespective of how much work is involved, but then that’s what the market can often bear (though commensurately valuable work necessarily still tends to occur).

However, I do actually agree that intellectual property is needed for a person to be able to sell his or her work, specifically their uncommissioned work.

And a lot of us will start off without commissions. An author has a right to sell their intellectual property in a free market just as much as a craftsman has a right to sell their material property.

Where disagreement occurs is in whether the author, unlike a craftsman, deserves a monopoly on their work. Similarly, whether an inventor, unlike an engineer, deserves a monopoly on their work too.

Everyone has a natural right to the property they produce or purchase, whether intellectual or material.

Unnatural privileges such as copyright and patent may well constitute commercially valuable monopolies for those who can obtain them, but they have no place in a fair and free market, nor in a society that upholds rights to privacy and artistic liberty. Why should one artist be denied the liberty to share or build upon the published expression of another artist (IP that they have legitimately purchased)? Why should one engineer be denied the use of a particular mechanism (that they arrived at through their own intellectual labour) simply because another engineer won the favour of royal assent to a monopoly?

Monopolies that only apply to corporations may tend to be ignored by the public at large, despite their incompatibility with a free market. However, when corporations attempt to apply their monopolies even to the citzenry, then we have corporate persecution and an exponentially growing population of very unhappy bunnies…

IP Sale vs Rental · Wednesday August 22, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

For the benefit of new readers: while this site evangelises the abolition of copyright, it does promote IP naturalism, i.e. the recognition of intellectual property as a natural right. So, it remains important that the law is coherent when it comes to distinguishing between sale of IP and its rental (or other contracted use).

Completely independent from the issue of the monopoly that is copyright, there is the issue of what happens when IP is retailed.

Surprisingly, whilst one would expect that when a copy was retailed, the copy was sold and that the purchaser could do anything with their copy not proscribed by copyright, there are some who believe that the copyright holder can stipulate in the licence, terms that additionally prevent sale of copies or constrain their use.

Now it is indeed quite possible for a licence to prohibit sale, but only by the licensee. Moreover, a licensee can only become a licensee voluntarily. They can’t become one simply by coming into possession of a copy (even by purchase or gift).

So, if you walk into a shop and purchase a CD, any licence attached to it can be ignored unless you would like to benefit from it.

It is possible that retailers may willingly volunteer to become licensees of the copyrighted works that they would sell copies of, and consequently become unable to sell copies if the licences so stipulate. However, this doesn’t permit the retailers to misrepresent exchange of copies for money as sales instead of rental.

Let us consider the situation where a retailer has not become a licensee or otherwise contracted themselves out of the ability to retail authorised copies of copyrighted works. Let’s use audio CDs as an example.

The Deal

There are only two possible deals the retailer can present to their customers:

  1. Purchase/receipt of what is clearly a CD. Somewhere inside the CD case may be a little piece of paper on which is written “Special offer – you can obtain a few more exciting privileges if you sign and return the attached contract that signifies your consent to accept certain conditions and restrictions in exchange”
  2. Purchase/receipt of what is clearly a voucher/contract. “This voucher, when countersigned by you to indicate acceptance of its terms, entitles you to the indefinite use of a CD that we will loan to you.”

Sometimes 2 is distorted into something very similar to 1. A disposable CD in a brown envelope is affixed to the voucher, e.g. “Not to be opened until voucher is signed”. It then becomes a conventional CD case and a little piece of paper on which is written “The CD to which this voucher is attached must be returned unless you sign this voucher agreeing to terms and conditions that restrict your use of the CD – in all cases the CD remains the property of XYZ Corp.”

The critical issue is this: is the sale of a voucher being misrepresented as the sale of a CD? If so, the voucher must be void, and it is a sale of a CD.

Better still, legitimate possession of a CD whether provided on indefinite loan or on sale, cannot bind the recipient.

The Licence

Unfortunately, some people believe that even when a copy appears to be retailed, its licence can abrogate the sale the customer might assume had occurred. This is, of course, complete codswallop.

  • Firstly, the licence can only apply to purchasers or other owners of the copy. It cannot reach out like some spectral robber baron to coerce passers by as subject to its constraints (even if it appears to bestow liberties in exchange).
  • Secondly, the licence cannot demonstrate consent by its victim to be so bound by specifying that should the victim perform an action they are inclined and free to do anyway (even if only authorised by licence) they are therefore signifying acceptance of the licence to mutate into an agreed contract.
  • Thirdly, a licence is a ‘licence’. For it to start off as a contract it would have to term itself a ‘contract’ (deposit-paid), and the accompanying contingent good clearly marked as such (subject to contract).
  • Fourthly, a licence is a copyright holder’s moderation of the privileges they’ve received via copyright. It does not empower the copyright holder to create their own legislation governing use and sale of copies of their work.

So, the moment before a licence can have any significance, we must have an owner of the copy (to which the licence is affixed). The owner of the copy can ignore the licence (possibly, even in ignorance, benefitting from liberties unilaterally provided by the licence), or they can choose to observe the terms and conditions of the licence as a potential contract in exchange for benefits, or they can consummate the licence’s mutation into a contract by explicit and special agreement (performing an action that could have no other purpose than to express voluntary agreement).

However, none of this is to say that someone cannot agree to a contract in order to use or come into possession of a copy that they do not own, and have no property rights to. In such a case, the contractee is subject to the terms of the contract (which, without authorisation from the copyright holder, cannot violate copyright, or the licence of the copyrighted work – if valid), and cannot otherwise benefit from, or be bound by, any affixed licence.

The Conclusion

If everything leads you to believe you are buying an authorised copy of a copyrighted work, there are only two possibilities:

  1. You have exchanged money for a copy that the seller was not authorised to sell to you.
  2. You have bought a copy and can ignore the licence if you want – no-matter whether you’ve removed the cellophane, read the licence, or clicked on some whacky button that says “I agree to accept this licence as a binding contract in order to obtain less use of the copy I thought I’d just paid for and was already my own property.”

It doesn’t even matter if you make a backup copy. Nothing on earth can be considered to obtain your voluntary agreement if it holds your own property hostage.

Even if a licence suggests that you are likely to wish to infringe copyright in ways that only the licence can authorise, it doesn’t matter. You always have a choice of committing copyright infringement or accepting the licence (whilst you remain an owner of the copy).

So, this means that yes, you can click all the unavoidable “I agree” check boxes on all the copyright licenses that pop up upon copies of software you’ve purchased without that actually constituting agreement.

  1. If you don’t own the copy, you can’t be a licensee and cannot be directly bound by any licence to it.
  2. If you do own the copy, any licence to it must be optional. If it appears not to be optional, it cannot obtain your voluntary agreement.

Without Copyright

Without copyright, there are no licences. Either you have rented a copy (subject to voluntarily agreed contract) or you have purchased a copy.

There is no copyright to suspend any of your IP rights for the benefit of the privileged copyright holder who can then licence them back to you.

It is, of course, still possible to exchange money for a copy that the seller was not authorised to sell to you (a rented copy).

However, if you own the copy you have purchased, then given no copyright, you enjoy all your intellectual property rights.

Crosbie Fitch said 6370 days ago :

And in case it still isn’t clear, ‘optional’ does not mean optional as in “Either you take out our insurance policy or a brick is likely to come through your window”.

Optional means that nothing is contingent upon acceptance of the licence except the permissions granted by the licence and the conditions observed by the licensee.

Nothing can be provided on the CD that you are not authorised to receive by dint of the original purchase. Nothing can be included on condition that the purchaser accepts a contract post-purchase.

Certainly many CDs are produced where the publishers pretend to be able to do this, but that doesn’t actually constitute legislative fait accompli.

John said 6085 days ago :

I was just wondering whether these IPs can be sold or licensed just like companies does at design-reuse.com designwin.net or www.IPsupermarket.com

Crosbie Fitch said 6084 days ago :

Today, IP in the form of software can effectively be rented because the contracting recipient is otherwise prohibited from manufacturing copies or derivatives and must return the IP they’ve received at the end of the rental (destroying/returning any incidental authorised copies). However, bear in mind that they though they may be required to relinquish copies. They cannot and do not need to return the knowledge. In the case of software patents, that still prevents them utilising their knowledge to build patented mechanisms.

I say ‘prevent’, but the effectiveness of this prevention is pretty limited and enforcement can be expensive (necessarily requiring invasive audits to ensure no copies remain after the rental period).

Without copyright or patent, IP cannot be rented. IP is either communicated with permission or it is communicated without. There can be no ‘communication for a limited period’ or voluntarily reversible communication. One may be made privy to developments (being communicated to IP available during this period) and one may cease being privy, but such cessation doesn’t reverse communication, it merely ceases further communication of developments. If one has received a communication of IP without permission, then in such special cases one should be obliged to reverse the communication as far as is possible, but this cannot warrant a strict audit to remove incidental copies.

One could simulate rental by requiring a conditional ‘publicity damage’ deposit that was only refunded on a much later date if an embargo of the IP one was made privy to during the rental period was observed. However, unless one was paying a regular fee to remain privy to developments, one would only rent such IP for a day and observe the embargo.

Counterfeit Copyright Conflation · Monday August 13, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

Seth Finkelstein observes the mission creep in censorship when interests in censoring pornography are conflated with interests in censoring pro-terrorism sites.

It consequently becomes difficult to argue against censorship (or other human rights violations) without becoming seen as pro-terrorist.

The problem is, pornography is arguably ethical, concerned as it is with our natural desires and instincts to create life and the pleasures of the process. However, the promotion of terrorism is arguably unethical – there are very few arguments in support of it (supernatural beings or genocidal states tend to be involved).

This conflation also happens with copyright, when much is made about counterfeit digital works in order to conflate copyright infringement with fraud.

Let’s consider some examples:

  1. No-one is happy buying what they thought was an authentic DVD to find out it is not, although they may tolerate it if it was a dirt cheap import and is otherwise digitally identical.
  2. No-one is happy to buy a bootleg DVD to find out that it’s not a copy of an original DVD, but a low res MPEG version.
  3. No-one is happy to buy a low res MPEG movie if they find that it’s simply a blank CD-ROM with cheap inlay paper.

Notice that what makes people unhappy is being deceived about what they’re getting – the counterfeit. The fact that a copyright infringement occurs only makes publishers unhappy that their monopoly isn’t being respected.

This is why, in order to obtain popular support, all copyright infringement is conflated with counterfeiting. Because NO-ONE supports counterfeiting. And therefore no-one can be against incredibly draconian punishments against all counterfeiters (oh and this includes copyright infringers of course).

So, if anything the legislation is counterfeit. Citizens are being sold legislation on the grounds that it helps prosecute counterfeiters, and yet they later discover to their horror that it’s actually to prosecute them against copyright infringement.

If only there was a law against counterfeit legislation…

ACACIA · Monday August 13, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

A Corporation And Citizen Isolation Amendment

  1. Corporation may not sue citizen
  2. Citizen may not sue corporation


Acacia flower with thorns
The precious flower of the individual needs thorns to protect it against corporate grip.


  • If a citizen wishes to sue a corporation they can incorporate themselves to do so.
  • If a corporation wishes to sue a citizen it can encourage, finance and capitalise the incorporation of the citizen – but, only if the citizen wishes (to have themselves represented by a congruent corporation).
  • Corporations may not otherwise sponsor citizens.
  • Citizens may not be incorporated against their will
  • A citizen may not represent a corporation.
  • A corporation may not represent a citizen unless it is specially created to do so.
  • The term ‘affiliation of citizens’ may also be substituted in the above for ‘citizen’.


ACACIA is a proposal for a constitutional amendment, but can be used as a principle in the interim by those who support it and wish to adhere to it on a conscientious basis.


  • To prevent citizens sufffering unethical litigation for enjoying their cultural freedom by sharing and building upon published works.
  • To at least revert copyright and patent back to their more appropriate status as commercial privileges and monopolies to be enjoyed by corporations against other corporations – not against citizens.
  • To provide a simple protocol that can be followed without subjective analysis to improve constitutional protection of civil liberties.
  • To rectify the recognition of corporations as distinct entities from human beings, with analogous and alternative privileges to the human rights of citizens, rather than the same rights.
  • To help guard against the law being exploited by corporations to subjugate the citizenry.
  • To ensure litigation only occurs between entities of equal natures, that constraints and penalties intended for corporations are not levied against citizens, and vice versa.


If you are a lawyer do not take on any cases between corporations and citizens.

By all means encourage citizens to become incorporated.

Darryl Moore said 6105 days ago :

OMG, this is an awful idea. I totally agree that copyright should solely be concerned with commercial uses, but there are so many ways that this simply will not work.

What you you do when your contractor, who is incorporated, messes up the reno to your house if you can’t sue? What about unlawful termination from an employer. What about when a former employee takes the company client list with him. This list goes on.

Even with copyright. What about the bootlegger at the corner selling pirated DVDs. What about the company that takes your CC licenced didi you wrote and puts it into a commercial movie.

Crosbie Fitch said 6105 days ago :

Either you select a business relationship with a human contractor, or incorporate yourself and have a business relationship with a corporation.

In other words, humans can contract with each other, or corporations can contract with each other, but no contract between mortal being and immortal corporation should be tenable.

If an employer breaks employment law then presumably no employee needs to sue them?

As for an employee taking a client list, I see nothing unethical in such an action. The employee’s reputation may well be affected of course.

As for bootleggers, as long as they are not committing plagiarism, violating anyone’s privacy, or misrepresenting unauthorised copies as genuine, then I don’t see anything wrong with selling pirated DVDs. However, if there remains any human being who still owns a copyright on the DVD that is infringed, then they could sue the bootlegger for infringement (if they rejected the bootlegger’s natural right to cultural liberty). Similarly, a corporate owner of copyrights on the DVD could persuade the bootlegger to become incorporated such that they may be sued, which the bootlegger might agree to if they felt the potential rewards/risks sufficiently attractive.

As for corporate infringement of an individual’s copyright (whether commercial use of CC-NC or anything else), well, the individual may incorporate themselves to engage in litigation if they wished (or sell their copyright to another corporation who may be attracted by the potential damages). It’s moot anyway, as members of the public can have no rational interest in constraining the use or reproduction of their published works – such control is desired only by publishing corporations in protection of their unethical monopolies.

The Seduction of Social Sanctity · Friday August 10, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

I am concerned about the elevation of the GPL’s aphoristic pursuit of freedom into holy dogma without due diligence.

My concern is that because the GPL restores the liberty suspended by copyright (which is jolly good) and preserves its restoration (excellent), people think that the GPL is perfect and holy in every respect and should be enshrined in law.

I’m trying to point out that actually, the GPL should only repair copyright’s damage. It should not be used to claim a right to extend ‘liberty’ beyond the public domain into the private domain.

Copyright does cause damage to culture by disincentivising sale of source materials (given a monopoly in functionally equivalent but far less useful derivatives), and the GPL’s compulsory disclosure of source is forgivable in addressing this damage. However, that doesn’t mean that if copyright was abolished we’d still need a legal compulsion to disclose source. A free market provides a quite satisfactory and effective incentive.

So, if the GPL was to be wholly ethical, instead of exploiting copyright’s ability to police the private domain it should completely nullify it. Otherwise, as I’m beginning to notice, there’s a risk of people being seduced into thinking they should indeed have a right to compel disclosure of source.

This is because, despite nullifying it to a large extent, the GPL does reserve a mild privacy violation in terms of its compulsory disclosure of private source code in published derivatives.

Now, this is quite consistent with using copyright against itself, but only if it is directed against those who would seek to re-suspend someone’s liberty or violate their privacy. However, people are beginning to believe that they have a right to seize the source code of anyone who publishes a GPL binary (mostly, the same people who believe copyright is a right rather than an unethical privilege).

This belief in a right to source code also betrays the motivation behind the Affero license and the AGPL which go even further to compel disclosure of source.

Want vs Freedom

There is a difference between:

  1. having a published work and not having freedom to it, and
  2. not having an unpublished work and yet wanting to have it.

Richard Stallman’s four freedoms should have been called three freedoms and a want.

  • Freedom 0: To run/use.
  • Want 1: To have the source code
  • Freedom 2: To copy/share.
  • Freedom 3: To modify.

Copyright doesn’t suspend freedom 0, although some licenses may exchange constraint upon use in exchange for partial restoration of freedom to copy/modify. Copyright only suspends freedoms 2 and 3.

The thing that suspends ‘want 1′ is not copyright, but privacy. The thing to remedy this is not compulsion or confiscation, but purchase (or gift).

This leads us to a somewhat more ethical set of principles concerning freedom:

  • Freedom 0: To use purchased/gifted software in any way.
  • Freedom 1: To be able to obtain source code for study or modification via a free market in which authors can offer to exchange their source code for money/goodwill offered by those who want it.
  • Freedom 2: To copy, share, sell, redistribute purchased/gifted software.
  • Freedom 3: To study, reverse engineer, or modify puchased/gifted binaries or source code, and use/share/sell/publish derivatives, etc.

All the above now need make no impairment to truth or privacy, nor should they.

No doubt one could also enumerate several things that arise out of rights to truth and privacy, but that’s for another day.

We can call truth & privacy respecting software that adheres to this revised set of ‘freedoms’ as ‘Ethical Software’.

‘Ethical Software’ as in ‘Software published in a free market by an author who may speak freely, is accurately attributed, and does not have their privacy violated except in order to protect life’.

Unfortunately, until the monopolies of copyright and patent are abolished we won’t have a free market.

Crosbie Fitch said 6383 days ago :

I would like to add that this post has been derived from a comment I posted on Rob Myer’s blog article Copyright and Marxism

Laurel L. Russwurm said 4952 days ago :

“people are beginning to believe that they have a right to seize the source code of anyone who publishes a GPL binary”

I don’t go along with seizing, but software published as a binary without including or making source code available is publishing something crippled. Although the binary may run without the source, it is incomplete.

Copyright does cause damage to culture by disincentivising the use of source materials. Once upon a time, culture existed without sales at all. You know, before the Statute of Anne.

Sales have nothing to do with it, beyond providing the motivation for copyright maximalism.

Copyright on published books gives the reader a published work without the freedom to use it as they choose. Just as a binary published without source code does.

Copyright was created as a method to enforce payment for use. Withholding the source code for additional payment does much the same thing.

Crosbie Fitch said 4949 days ago :

Well Laurel, there’s free culture as in free beer and free culture as in free speech. I only recognise the latter as natural and ethical.

I still can’t help recognising that a software engineer has a right to exchange their work for whatever price the market will bear. If you feel culture suffers as a consequence of such commercially driven selfishness, well, that’s an interesting contention, but I don’t think it outweighs an individual’s privacy, the author’s exclusive right to their writings.

Ethics vs Economy · Thursday August 09, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

The conflict between ethics and economy is cropping up again. Another comment on Luis Villa’s blog encourages me to write.

Chris Marino observes in this comment that the AGPL arose due to a perception of the ASP/SaaS ‘loophole’.

I’ve touched on this issue before: Gladys, Privacy, Liberty and the GPL

Chris, a dichotomy lies between rights restoration on the one hand and labour reciprocation enabled by copyright on the other.

  1. Some people like the GPL/AGPL because it appears to oblige reciprocation of software enhancements.
  2. Some people like the GPL because it neutralises copyright and patent’s suspension of liberty (restoring freedoms otherwise suspended).

The former is an inversion of the proprietary/closed business model. The latter is a neutralisation of the privileges that enable both.

If you don’t care about the ethics of copyright and patent then compulsory reciprocation of enhancements is an exciting, new, non-monetary business model.

If you have a problem (as I do) about the subversion of the word ‘free’ to warrant a violation of the right to privacy, then compulsory disclosure of source is a problem (except when used as an equal and opposite counterweight to anyone else’s threat to violate privacy).

Proprietary businesses claim, via copyright and patent, the privilege of being able to deny the public the liberty to copy, modify, reverse engineer, manufacture, or use software that infringes their privileges even in the privacy of their own homes. It is this same unethical privilege that can similarly be used by a labour-reciprocation licence to prohibit private modification or exploitation thereof unless source is disclosed.

It all depends upon the implicit or explicit contract the software developer expected was being made when they published their modifications (or original software).

  1. That they’d enjoy a monopoly on copies, could keep their source secret, and sell copies of binaries, OR
  2. That they’d enjoy guaranteed and perpetual access to their published software and source to any modifications that anyone else published or otherwise made available to the public – that these typically enhancing modifications constituted payment in kind to them and the community, OR
  3. That no implicit contract has been made or can be made without violating the human right to liberty. That any contracts must be made explicitly, deliberately and willingly between the software developer and those with whom they are to make an equitable exchange.

But for the obligation to release source along with any software published, the GPL comes very close to nullifying copyright and patent.

But for its failure to obligate release of source to publicly exploited modifications, the GPL comes close to obligatory labour reciprocation, and but for its failure to compel release of all modifications in all cases, the AGPL comes even closer.

So the moment conversation starts drifting away from the mechanism of the GPL or any licence in achieving the kinds of deals that people want (imposed by copyright), and towards the question of rights (as opposed to commercial privileges), then it’s a whole new ball game. It’s no longer a legal mechanism requiring legal expertise, but a matter of ethics – that lawyers are wholly unsuited to, having had ethics drummed out of their systems at law school.

Free Culture Welcomes Free Riders

Incidentally, the term ‘free rider’ cannot be negative or pejorative when applied to permanent and non-consumable things such as human culture and knowledge. The ability to enable people to enjoy free use and access to culture and knowledge is the sort of thing that unites us is it not? To have people ride freely upon our cultural commonwealth is our aspiration.

However, that should not deny or prevent a free market in cultural work. If you want a bug fixed, no doubt you will find someone in a free market who will willingly exchange their labour in producing a fix for your monetary value of that fix. Nevertheless, we do not need to compel publication of the fix, nor do we need to enable the author to constrain those who receive it against their will.

Don’t forget that if many value the fix, then there is a greater monetary value that will accrue to the production of the fix, and similarly, a far wider distribution of the fix.

And if people value the source far more than the binary, then the source will attract a far higher price, which authors would be highly unlikely to forego if there was no incentive to keep the source secret.

I very much doubt Blender would have sold for as much as it did had only a freely redistributable binary been offered. But, the fact that the binary is far less valuable than the source would not make its sale unethical. If anything, its free distribution would help demonstrate the availablity and market for the source.

With a free market, once cultural works have been sold to the public, the market tends to saturate very quickly (especially for digital works), and it’s difficult if not impossible to sell people what they already have. Thus the problem for the software producer is not free riders (since the world is supposed to embrace them for culture), but in finding enough interested customers who value their work and will collaborate in collecting sufficient funds that the producer will find equitable in exchange. That’s simply a marketing problem and solved by the same mechanism that enables the diffusion of the works – the Internet.

Bounties, ransoms, digital art auctions: these are the mechanisms that enable the exchange of free culture for money – without copyright, patent, compulsory reciprocation, or violation of privacy.

The Confusion Of Rights · Wednesday August 08, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

Luis Villa is losing sight of rights and people, for licences and users

It’s not surprising he finds the coherence of a rights based understanding unpalatable when it is at odds with the confusion caused by the privilege basis of a copyright licence (which lawyers are egregiously taught constitute authorial rights).

What would I say to Luis to try to help him understand where the solution to his confusion lies?

Firstly, don’t forget “All men are created equal”.

Secondly, human beings have rights.

Therefore all human beings have the same rights.
There aren’t different rights for different classes of people, e.g. users vs developers.

Commercial bias will however, attempt to distort privileges into rights to lend them extra (unwarranted) gravitas. Do not be confused by the semantic abuse of the word ‘right’ when ‘privilege’ should actually be used.

You will come unstuck in your “freedom I’m aggressively interested in working towards” if you fail to consider that ‘freedom’ is not actually a right. What is a right, is not to have one’s freedom suspended (by anything other than others’ rights).

So the next step is to discover what are the rights that constrain human freedom.

  • The human right to life.
  • The human right to privacy.
  • The human right to truth.
  • The human right to liberty – which is actually one’s right not to have one’s freedom constrained except by the above.

If you get too obsessed with freedom, you will trample over people’s rights because you’ll fail to notice that they legitimately constrain freedom.

“What’s this barbed wire doing here?! Copyright? Flip that. Knock it down lads!”

“What’s this fence doing here?! Patent? Flip that. Knock it down lads!”

“What’s this granite wall doing here?! Privacy? Flip that. Knock it down lads!”


Copyright and patent are privileges that suspend the public’s liberty in order to create commercially lucrative advantages for publishers and manufacturers. They should indeed be knocked down.

However, privacy is a right. Of course it is a constraint upon the public’s freedom. But then that’s because each member of the public has a right to their own privacy, that trumps the freedom of any other member of the public to invade it.

It may appear that privacy’s constraint upon your freedom is as iniquitous as the constraint of copyright that pretends private ownership of public works, but this is because you are simply rebelling against constraint per se, instead of unethical constraint.

It’s not surprising to conflate privacy with copyright, because copyright has itself been conflated with privacy by those IP maximalists who commercially benefit from this conflation and are jealous to preserve and consolidate it. This further reveals the corruption of language the legal profession has been persuaded to adopt to term their commercial paymasters’ privileges as rights in order to give them a veneer of legitimacy.

You would not be the first to mistake privacy as an unnatural and antisocial construct, but it’s been with us for eons compared to the centuries of patent and copyright. I think you’ll find the latter two quite a big enough challenge to your aggressive pursuit of freedom.

The Freedom of Pirates or the Liberty of Civilised Men · Wednesday August 08, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

It all depends upon your respect for human rights, and whether you use force to protect them, or to suspend them…

Arr. The pirate life is the life for me!
The freedom of the high seas,
the culture of any port that takes me fancy,
the wealth of fat merchants,
the fast ships of slow captains,
the occasional admiral's unsullied daughter,
and plenty of the navy's finest rum!
Aye cap'n. Tis a fine life.
We can cheat and lie and no judge can gainsay us,
and we can do what we want and no jail can hold us.
Indubitably. Every man should be a pirate.
Indeed, that wouldst be my true mission
- were I to suffer such -
to let every livin' man on this earth see nature's true calling.
If he be so minded to know what's best for 'im.
If I may be so bold cap'n?
When your mission is complete - godspeed - and we're all pirates,
then who will be left for us to murder, rape and pillage?
Other pirates?
What, like us?
Aye. Tis a fight to the death me hearties.
But, at least we'll die free men!

One could say that pirates are those engaged in an aggressive pursuit of freedom.

They have contempt for justice, regard all property fair game, and hold forfeit the lives of all who stand in their way.

There is a more civilised and agreeable approach to freedom than can be found in the inclement domain of the pirate’s harsh mistress.

We call this liberty. It is a lesser freedom, but a more ethically wholesome one, because of its constraint by human right.

If each human being’s natural will and right to life (health, equality, fraternity), privacy (personal space, private possessions, home, and other property), and truth (in attribution and justice), are taken as inalienable, then what is left of the pirate’s primordial freedom belongs to all, by right.

However, if this liberty is further constrained, to privilege merchants, then it should not be surprising if those who have found their liberty so strained have taken to piracy – or what may be termed piracy by the merchants.

I am fearful that those misnamed as ‘pirates’, in reasserting their right to liberty (suspended by the merchants’ privileges of copyright and patent), are in jeopardy of similarly misnaming their cause as an aggressive pursuit of freedom instead of a rightful claim to the restoration of their liberty.

  • Piracy against mercantile privileges of copyright and patent – good.
  • Piracy against human rights to truth, privacy, and life – bad.

But, make no mistake, there’s nothing inherently wrong with being a merchant, nor with commerce. The wrong is in privileging them with our liberty, for then pirates and piracy are the natural result.

So, please, let us be civilised men in ethical pursuit of human rights, not primitive pirates in aggressive pursuit of freedom.

Patently Unethical · Friday August 03, 2007 by Crosbie Fitch

Many people readily grasp the purpose of patents, but it’s not so easy to grasp why patents are unethical. It’s as if simply understanding how patents work, is enough to justify them.

The real issue of contention is not our desire to encourage inventors to publish their secrets, but the means by which we encourage them.

It is unethical to offer to tie the hands of all other potential inventors and manufacturers to give the publisher of the invention a commercially lucrative monopoly as compensation.

As with any property that people may desire, it is usual and ethical to invite the inventor to offer their invention (that they would otherwise keep secret) for sale in a free market. If it’s sufficiently desirable, they’ll receive compensation in proportion to its value. If no-one wants it, well, they may as well publish it anyway.

Patents arose in an age in which tieing other people’s hands to exploit their lack of freedom was considered quite an agreeable practice. It’s no longer agreeable to those it affects (the public), and it’s time it ended.

For further reading, I highly recommend Against Intellectual Monopoly by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine.

Conley said 6390 days ago :

Do you have a solution? How do small inventors keep from being exploited without some form of protection. I agree 100% that patents suck (especially in software) and last far too long in a society that progresses exponentially, but what other options are there?

Perhaps you could say that the inventions success in a patent free world makes the inventor more marketable even if it is exploited, but I think that is only a mediocre view/solution. I have not read Against Intellectual Monopoly, so maybe I will read that later. Maybe they have a better solution.

Conley said 6390 days ago :

New thought: perhaps patents should not really be treated different than copyright. Then you could lump a cc by-sa model on them. What do you think?

Crosbie Fitch said 6390 days ago :

Remember, the purported objective of patents is not to prevent inventors being exploited, but to encourage them to publish knowledge useful to mankind.

An inventor may greatly enjoy a commercial monopoly, but their enjoyment doesn’t sanction the surrender of many other inventor’s liberty to commercially exploit their own inventions (that may coincidentally overlap with the inventor who filed first).

We are all toolmakers and bound to come up with similar tools as mankind’s technology progresses.

The problem that patents were supposed to solve is the peculiar case when an inventor has a very useful invention, and can commercially exploit it whilst keeping the invention secret, and yet believes that this would provide greater revenue than could be obtained by selling the invention. Sometimes they do sell it, but it remains a closed cartel.

In the early days of the industrial revolution I suspect it was feared that some of these secret inventions could be lost from human knowledge when the inventors died, taking their secrets with them.

It was considered that if a monopoly was granted, thus simulating the effect of the published invention remaining secret, then this monopoly (and constraint upon everyone else) was worth ensuring that the invention joined mankind’s technological repertoire.

“Look. Publish your invention and we’ll pretend it’s still your commercial secret – for a few years. Or so.”

The funny thing is, patents don’t actually solve the problem people say they do.

Inventors still keep those inventions secret that they can commercially exploit without disclosure. I should know. My father was an inventor and he had several machines that could churn out wire based components for electronic equipment a hundred times faster than anyone else. But, he didn’t patent these designs, because there was no point in doing so. And now he’s dead, and I don’t even think I have all the designs.

So, the only things people patent are those things that reveal their own design, i.e. the sort of thing that would end up being mass produced by the manufacturer who was most competitive in terms of value for money.

But, without patents, such things would still be designed and manufactured, and inventors would still publish their inventions of easily mass produced items. Just as I still write comments like these – despite everyone being able to mass produce them far more effectively than I could by charging a penny a month for my hand printed circular.

Let’s imagine there were no patents and someone invented the bread slicing machine.

1) Because there are no patents, the inventor realises it’s all a lost cause, gets depressed, commits suicide, and we enjoy unsliced loaves for another century until someone else thinks there must be an easier way of mass producing sandwiches if only they didn’t have to employ so many people to slice the bread.

2) They keep it secret, but they believe they can make more money churning out tons of ready sliced loaves, than selling the secret of how they do it. They die wealthy, but the secret of mechanised bread slicing is lost to mankind forever. This is because people were actually quite happy slicing their own bread. Supermarkets flew their loaves of bread out to China for cutting, before flying them back to put on their shelves, as this was considered cheaper than the cost of developing a mechanical contraption.

3) News of sliced bread spreads far and wide. Loaf cutting labourers the world over quake in their boots at the realisation of an imminent career change and the agony of reskilling. A cartel of bakeries offer the inventor big spondulicks to reveal the secret design. OR they develop their own machine, that is actually quite different, but nevertheless comparably effective.

The argument that patents encourage knowledge transfer is bunkum. Patents are highly commercially advantageous to the PATENTEE and perhaps give the nation a leg up with respect to some products, i.e. the equivalent of a subsidy obtained from taxation, that then enables the nation to become a bulk exporter in this product with respect to other nations who didn’t grant a monopoly on it to anyone, or if they were really silly, granted a monopoly to the foreign patentee.

Patents suspend the public’s liberty in order to privilege the inventor, because the King probably believes such a favour is in the nation’s interest, and damn his peasant’s trifling loss of liberty.

But, remember, we don’t care how much the inventor would enjoy such a privilege. The point is, our liberty is not to be doled out just because someone reckons they could profit from its suspension. Not only does there have to be equity, there has to be consent. With patents, there’s neither. We don’t get secrets published that are so valuable they remain secret, just the ones that would have been published anyway, and there’s absolutely no consent.



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